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STRIPE error: In order to use Checkout, you must set an account or business name at https://dashboard.stripe.com/account

I have found this error message:

"In order to use Checkout, you must set an account or business name at https://dashboard.stripe.com/account"

several times when developing stripe connect. But my account and business name is set all right.

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jsaak Avatar asked Oct 22 '20 06:10


People also ask

What does Stripe payment error mean?

An error occurred while processing the card. The payment needs to be attempted again. If it still can't be processed, try again later.

How do you handle Stripe errors?

Errors and HTTP If an immediate problem prevents an API call from continuing, the Stripe Ruby library raises an exception. It's a best practice to catch and handle exceptions. To catch an exception, use Ruby's rescue keyword. Catch Stripe::StripeError or its subclassses to handle Stripe-specific exceptions only.

How do I enable connected account on Stripe?

As the platform, you can choose to initialize newly created connected accounts with your own branding settings. To do so, navigate to Connect Settings > Branding and enable Apply Platform Branding. After you enable it, all new accounts onboarding to your platform will have the same branding settings as your platform.

2 Answers

I got this error when moving to Stripe's new implementation, which involves steps:

  1. Add a checkout button to your webpage that sends your customer to a Stripe-hosted checkout page.
  2. Create an order success page to show your customer after the payment.

It says to

First, make sure that you have set up an account name on the Stripe Dashboard.

Once I added a name to my (test) account, it all worked fine.

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CodeMantle Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10


This is the error message when you want to use the same account for sending and receiving too.

Try to use a different account for sending.

It is quite confusing how stripe handles multiplle account with one login. Was never able to figure it out.

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jsaak Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10
