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Stripe: Do I need to refund for uncaptured charges?

So in our app, we do not charge immediately but simply create stripe charge with capture set to false so that customer is not charged instantly.

Question: Should we still issue a Refund for the customer (in case of app/db error) despite the fact that we created a charge in un-captured mode ?

Thanks for the help

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dev02 Avatar asked Sep 06 '17 09:09


People also ask

What does Stripe payment uncaptured mean?

Payments for successful orders will change to "Succeeded". If you see any "Uncaptured" payments in your Stripe account, you can safely ignore them (or even cancel them if you want to tidy up). They only happen if there is an unforeseen issue at checkout. Your customer will not have been charged.

Do I get charged to refund with Stripe?

For most transactions, there are no fees to refund a charge, but the Stripe and processing fees from the original transaction aren't returned.

How do refunds work with Stripe?

Stripe submits refunds to your customer's bank immediately. Depending on the bank's processing time, it can take anywhere from 5-10 business days to show up on your customer's bank account.

Why did I get charged for Stripe?

If you see a charge from us on your credit card statement, it's possible that you've purchased something from a business that uses our services and the business itself wasn't reflected on your bank statement descriptor.

1 Answers

Ideally, yes, you should. "Refunding" an uncaptured charge will cancel the authorization and release the funds on the customer's account.

If you don't refund the uncaptured charge, the authorization will automatically expire after 7 days, but that's not very customer friendly. You should always try to either capture or refund uncaptured charges as soon as possible.

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Ywain Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11
