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Checking for a successful charge using Stripe for rails


I am using Stripe checkout to accept one-time payment in rails. I have a charges controller as shown below. I was initially using stripe webhook to listen to charge.succeeded, but running into some issues due to the async nature of webhooks. My I have moved the business logic to the controller. If the customer charge is a success, then I save the customer and some other details to the db.

My question:

Is this check enough to ensure that a charge is successful ?

if charge["paid"] == true

The Stripe documentation for Stripe::Charge.create states, " Returns a charge object if the charge succeeded. Raises an error if something goes wrong. A common source of error is an invalid or expired card, or a valid card with insufficient available balance."

My ChargesController:

class ChargesController < ApplicationController

  def new


  def create
    # Amount in cents

    @amount = 100
    temp_job_id = cookies[:temp_job_id]
    customer_email =  TempJobPost.find_by(id: temp_job_id).company[:email]
    customer = Stripe::Customer.create(
      :email => customer_email,
      :card  => params[:stripeToken]

    charge = Stripe::Charge.create(
      :customer    => customer.id,
      :amount      => @amount,
      :description => 'Rails Stripe customer',
      :currency    => 'usd',
      :metadata => {"job_id"=> temp_job_id}
    # TODO: charge.paid or charge["paid"]
    if charge["paid"] == true
     #Save customer to the db

    # need to test this and refactor this using begin-->rescue--->end
    rescue Stripe::CardError => e
      flash[:error] = e.message
      redirect_to charges_path

like image 723
newbie Avatar asked Nov 18 '14 03:11


People also ask

How do I know if a Stripe payment is successful?

Stripe sends the payment_intent. succeeded event when payment is successful and the payment_intent. payment_failed event when payment isn't successful. When payment is unsuccessful, you can find more details by inspecting the PaymentIntent's last_payment_error property.

Why is Stripe payment incomplete?

Stripe categorizes a transaction as "incomplete" when a "payment intent" was created, but your user never completed the payment. In other words, an incomplete transaction means the user went to the payment page, but never took action. When it comes to an incomplete transaction, the sale was simply not made.

1 Answers

Yes, that's all you need to do. If the charge succeeded, Stripe will return a Charge object, and you can check its paid parameter. If the charge failed, we'd throw an exception.

Cheers, Larry

PS I work on Support at Stripe.

like image 169
Larry Ullman Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 07:10

Larry Ullman