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Who is responsible of generating the .idea files in Rails?

When I'm looking on my Rails application folder i can find a .idea folder, it includes:

  • .generators
  • .rakeTasks

And more... When i open .generators for example, i see the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Settings><!--This file was automatically generated by Ruby plugin.
You are allowed to: 
1. Reorder generators
2. Remove generators
3. Add installed generators
To add new installed generators automatically delete this file and reload the project.
--><GeneratorsGroup><Generator name="active_record:migration" /><Generator name="active_record:model" /><Generator name="active_record:observer" /><Generator name="active_record:session_migration" /><Generator name="controller" /><Generator name="erb:controller" /><Generator name="erb:mailer" /><Generator name="erb:scaffold" /><Generator name="generator" /><Generator name="helper" /><Generator name="integration_test" /><Generator name="mailer" /><Generator name="metal" /><Generator name="migration" /><Generator name="model" /><Generator name="model_subclass" /><Generator name="observer" /><Generator name="performance_test" /><Generator name="plugin" /><Generator name="resource" /><Generator name="scaffold" /><Generator name="scaffold_controller" /><Generator name="session_migration" /><Generator name="stylesheets" /><Generator name="test_unit:controller" /><Generator name="test_unit:helper" /><Generator name="test_unit:integration" /><Generator name="test_unit:mailer" /><Generator name="test_unit:model" /><Generator name="test_unit:observer" /><Generator name="test_unit:performance" /><Generator name="test_unit:plugin" /><Generator name="test_unit:scaffold" /></GeneratorsGroup></Settings>

As you can see: "This file was automatically generated by Ruby plugin."

So who is responsible of generating those files ?

and how can i call it ?

the IDE need to take care of it ?

like image 970
Danpe Avatar asked Oct 29 '12 18:10


2 Answers

This folder and files are created if the application was opened at least once with Jet Brains' RubyMine or Jet Brains Intellij IDE.

All the user configuration regarding the project are saved in this directory.

If you delete this .idea folder and open the project in Rubymine these files will be generated again with fresh default Rubymine config.

like image 180
Pritesh Jain Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 04:10

Pritesh Jain

A useful addition to a ~/.gitignore for gitters:

# ignore JetBrains IDE stuff
like image 36
Darren Weber Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 03:10

Darren Weber