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String.Format an integer to use a thousands separator with decimal value in danish culture




I have a string totalPRice which holds a value like this 1147,5 I want two things.
1)round the value so that there is always two digits after ,
2)Implement thousands separator in this string, So that final out put will be some thing like this 1.147,50
I have tried some thing like this

String.Format("{0:0.00}", totalPRice)

It does my first requirement correctly by producing an output 1147,50. But I am way behind in my second requirement. Can any one tell me how I can achieve this?

Note: In danish culture . stands for , and , stands for .

like image 725
None Avatar asked Dec 05 '13 09:12


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2 Answers

You can refer to Standard Numeric Format Strings and use

string.Format("{0:N2}", 1234.56)

You may also specify the culture manually, if danish is not your default culture:

var danishCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("da-DK");
string.Format(danishCulture, "{0:N2}", 1234.56);

see MSDN Reference for CultureInfo

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NobodysNightmare Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09


You should create a culture-specific CultureInfo object and use it when converting the number into a string. Also, you can set the default culture for your whole program.

Then, your code will look like this:

// create Dennmark-specific culture settings
CultureInfo danishCulture = new CultureInfo("da");

// format the number so that correct Danish decimal and group separators are used
decimal totalPrice = 1234.5m;
Console.WriteLine(totalPrice.ToString("#,###.##", danishCulture));

Note that . and , in the formatting string are specified opposit as you want. This is because they identify decimal and group separators, and are replaced with the correct culture specific-ones.

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Ondrej Tucny Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Ondrej Tucny