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C# Read Windows Mobile Broadband connection properties

First up, here's the background:

We have a Windows Forms application (written in C#, .NET Framework 3.5) currently running on full Windows 7 tablets, which have a 3G module built in that is used for data connectivity. The data connection is configured as a normal mobile broadband connection in Windows (so Windows manages the connectivity itself), and the connection shows up in Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections and it works fine - the application is able to communicate over the internet with our web service. We will be moving onto a different device (likely a full Windows 8-based tablet) at some point in the future.

Now, what I need to do is read the connection status of this Mobile Broadband connection; i.e. get the signal strength, and the carrier name (e.g. Vodafone UK). I've found a way to do this using the Mobile Broadband API part of the Windows 7 SDK (see here and here), however this appears to be OS specific as it doesn't work on Windows 8 - or at least not with the device I have here.

Is there a generic way to read the mobile broadband connection properties using the .NET framework?

Alternatively, does anyone know of a Windows 8 SDK which contains a Mobile Broadband API like the Windows 7 one I'm currently using?

Thanks in advance.

Update - I've got this working on a range of different Win 7 / Win 8 devices now. Even the Lenovo device is working OK. I'll post up example code for the main bits (Reading connection status, configuring the connection, checking the SIM status) as answers; the code is a little too long to go into the question, annoyingly.

like image 503
Paul F Avatar asked Sep 02 '13 16:09

Paul F

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1 Answers

Configuring a connection programmatically (you will need the APN details):

            MbnInterfaceManager mbnInfMgr = new MbnInterfaceManager(); 
            IMbnInterfaceManager mbnInfMgrInterface = mbnInfMgr as IMbnInterfaceManager;
            if (mbnInfMgrInterface != null)
                IMbnInterface[] mobileInterfaces = mbnInfMgrInterface.GetInterfaces() as IMbnInterface[];
                if (mobileInterfaces != null && mobileInterfaces.Length > 0)
                    // Just use the first interface
                    IMbnSubscriberInformation subInfo = mobileInterfaces[0].GetSubscriberInformation();

                    if (subInfo != null)
                        SIMNumber = subInfo.SimIccID;
                        // Get the connection profile
                        MbnConnectionProfileManager mbnConnProfileMgr = new MbnConnectionProfileManager();
                        IMbnConnectionProfileManager mbnConnProfileMgrInterface = mbnConnProfileMgr as IMbnConnectionProfileManager; 
                        if (mbnConnProfileMgrInterface != null)
                            bool connProfileFound = false;
                            string profileName = String.Empty;

                                IMbnConnectionProfile[] mbnConnProfileInterfaces = mbnConnProfileMgrInterface.GetConnectionProfiles(mobileInterfaces[0]) as IMbnConnectionProfile[];

                                foreach (IMbnConnectionProfile profile in mbnConnProfileInterfaces)
                                    string xmlData = profile.GetProfileXmlData();

                                    if (xmlData.Contains("<SimIccID>" + SIMNumber + "</SimIccID>"))
                                        connProfileFound = true;
                                        bool updateRequired = false;

                                        // Check if the profile is set to auto connect
                                        XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();

                                        profileName = xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Name"].InnerText;

                                        if (xdoc["MBNProfile"]["ConnectionMode"].InnerText != "auto")
                                            xdoc["MBNProfile"]["ConnectionMode"].InnerText = "auto";
                                            updateRequired = true;

                                        // Check the APN settings
                                        if (xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"] == null)
                                            XmlElement context = (XmlElement)xdoc["MBNProfile"].AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("Context", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                            context.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("AccessString", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                            context.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("Compression", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                            context.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("AuthProtocol", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                            updateRequired = true;

                                        if (xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["AccessString"].InnerText != APNAccessString)
                                            xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["AccessString"].InnerText = APNAccessString;
                                            updateRequired = true;
                                        if (xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["Compression"].InnerText != APNCompression)
                                            xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["Compression"].InnerText = APNCompression;
                                            updateRequired = true;
                                        if (xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["AuthProtocol"].InnerText != APNAuthProtocol)
                                            xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["AuthProtocol"].InnerText = APNAuthProtocol;
                                            updateRequired = true;

                                        if (xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"] == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(APNUsername))
                                            XmlElement userLogonCred = (XmlElement)xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"].InsertAfter(xdoc.CreateElement("UserLogonCred", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI), xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["AccessString"]);
                                            userLogonCred.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("UserName", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                            userLogonCred.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("Password", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                            updateRequired = true;

                                        if (xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"] != null && xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"]["UserName"].InnerText != APNUsername)
                                            xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"]["UserName"].InnerText = APNUsername;
                                            updateRequired = true;

                                        if (xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"] != null && xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"]["Password"] == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(APNUsername))
                                            xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"].AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("Password", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));

                                        if (xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"] != null && xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"]["Password"].InnerText != APNPassword)
                                            xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"]["Password"].InnerText = APNPassword;
                                            updateRequired = true;

                                        if (updateRequired)
                                            // Update the connection profile
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (!ex.Message.Contains("Element not found"))
                                    throw ex;

                            if (!connProfileFound)
                                // Create the connection profile
                                XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
                                xdoc.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"));
                                XmlElement mbnProfile = (XmlElement)xdoc.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("MBNProfile", "http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WWAN/profile/v1"));
                                mbnProfile.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("Name", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI)).InnerText = SIMNumber;
                                mbnProfile.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("IsDefault", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI)).InnerText = "true";
                                mbnProfile.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("ProfileCreationType", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI)).InnerText = "DeviceProvisioned";
                                mbnProfile.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("SubscriberID", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI)).InnerText = subInfo.SubscriberID;
                                mbnProfile.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("SimIccID", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI)).InnerText = SIMNumber;
                                mbnProfile.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("HomeProviderName", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI)).InnerText = SIMNumber;
                                mbnProfile.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("AutoConnectOnInternet", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI)).InnerText = "true";
                                mbnProfile.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("ConnectionMode", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI)).InnerText = "auto";

                                XmlElement context = (XmlElement)xdoc["MBNProfile"].AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("Context", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                context.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("AccessString", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                XmlElement userLogonCred = (XmlElement)context.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("UserLogonCred", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                userLogonCred.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("UserName", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                userLogonCred.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("Password", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                context.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("Compression", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));
                                context.AppendChild(xdoc.CreateElement("AuthProtocol", xdoc["MBNProfile"].NamespaceURI));

                                xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["AccessString"].InnerText = APNAccessString;
                                xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"]["UserName"].InnerText = APNUsername;
                                xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["UserLogonCred"]["Password"].InnerText = APNPassword;
                                xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["Compression"].InnerText = APNCompression;
                                xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Context"]["AuthProtocol"].InnerText = APNAuthProtocol;

                                profileName = xdoc["MBNProfile"]["Name"].InnerText;


                            // Register the connection events
                            MbnConnectionManager connMgr = new MbnConnectionManager();
                            IConnectionPointContainer connPointContainer = connMgr as IConnectionPointContainer;

                            Guid IID_IMbnConnectionEvents = typeof(IMbnConnectionEvents).GUID;
                            IConnectionPoint connPoint;
                            connPointContainer.FindConnectionPoint(ref IID_IMbnConnectionEvents, out connPoint);

                            ConnectionEventsSink connEventsSink = new ConnectionEventsSink();
                            connPoint.Advise(connEventsSink, out cookie); if (showProgress) { MessageBox.Show("After registering events"); }

                            // Connect
                            IMbnConnection connection = mobileInterfaces[0].GetConnection();

                            if (connection != null)
                                MBN_ACTIVATION_STATE state;
                                string connectionProfileName = String.Empty;
                                connection.GetConnectionState(out state, out connectionProfileName);

                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionProfileName))
                                        connectionProfileName = profileName;
                                    uint requestID;
                                    connection.Connect(MBN_CONNECTION_MODE.MBN_CONNECTION_MODE_PROFILE, connectionProfileName, out requestID);

                                    // Do nothing, already connected
                                MessageBox.Show("Connection not found.");
                            MessageBox.Show("mbnConnProfileMgrInterface is null.");
                        MessageBox.Show("No subscriber info found.");
                    MessageBox.Show("No mobile interfaces found.");
                MessageBox.Show("mbnInfMgrInterface is null.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            if (ex.Message.Contains("SIM is not inserted."))
                SIMNumber = "No SIM inserted.";
            MessageBox.Show("LoginForm.DataConnection ConfigureWindowsDataConnection Error " + ex.Message);
like image 129
Paul F Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 16:10

Paul F