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Context Menu location

I have a context menu to show up manually by pressing the hotkey ctrl+menu. Therefore i use this function:

ContextMenu.IsOpen = true;

I call this in my main window. But it has some odd effects.

  1. If I only press the menu-key, the menu alwasy appears in the middle of the screen
  2. If I manually call the menu, it always appears in the top left corner.

my menu is this one:

    <ContextMenu Placement="Center">
        <MenuItem IsCheckable="False" Name="item2" Click="MenuItem_Click" Header="{DynamicResource countDownNotificationOn}"/>

using the xaml placement above dosen't work either. Therefore I set the window to


But doesn't work.

like image 940
marcel Avatar asked Aug 20 '13 13:08


People also ask

Where is context menu located?

A context menu is a pop-up menu that provides shortcuts for actions the software developer anticipates the user might want to take. In a Windows environment, the context menu is accessed with a right mouse click.

How do I change the context menu location?

If you want to change the position of the ContextMenu, set the ContextMenuService. Placement property on the FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement. You can position a ContextMenu by setting the PlacementTarget, PlacementRectangle, Placement, HorizontalOffset, and VerticalOffsetProperty properties.

How do I display context menu?

The context menu (right-hand mouse button or SHIFT+F10 ) allows you to display a context-sensitive menu. The context is defined by the position of the mouse pointer when the user requests the menu. A context menu allows the user to choose functions that are relevant to the current context.

How do I open the context menu on my keyboard?

Press Shift+F10 or Ctrl+Shift+F10 keys on the keyboard to launch the context menu anywhere on your Windows 10 computer.

1 Answers

You need to set the PlacementTarget property of the ContextMenu:

if (element.ContextMenu != null )
    element.ContextMenu.PlacementTarget = element;
    element.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true;

If after this, the ContextMenu is still not placed correctly, you can set the placement using the ContextMenu.HorizontalOffset and ContextMenu.VerticalOffset properties. Take a look at the ContextMenu.HorizontalOffset Property and ContextMenu.VerticalOffset Property pages at MSDN for more information.

like image 51
Sheridan Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09
