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str.format() with nested dictionary

I want to use the str.format() method like this:

my_str = "Username: {username}, User data: {user_data.attribute}".format(**items)

And apply it to items as shown below:

items = {
    "username" : "Peter",
    "user_data" : {
         "attribute" : "foo"

Is this feasible, and if so, then how? If not, I'm interested in your recommended approach.

like image 682
Konrad Avatar asked Mar 02 '18 13:03


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Adding elements to a Nested Dictionary One way to add a dictionary in the Nested dictionary is to add values one be one, Nested_dict[dict][key] = 'value'. Another way is to add the whole dictionary in one go, Nested_dict[dict] = { 'key': 'value'}.

1 Answers

Try it like this:

items = {'username': 'Peter', 'user_data': {'attribute': 'foo'}}

my_str = "Username: {username}, User data: {user_data[attribute]}".format(**items)

>>> my_str
'Username: Peter, User data: foo'
like image 66
sacuL Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
