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Neo4j create nodes and relationships from pandas dataframe with py2neo

Getting results on a pandas dataframe from a cypher query on a Neo4j database with py2neo is really straightforward, as:

>>> from pandas import DataFrame
>>> DataFrame(graph.data("MATCH (a:Person) RETURN a.name, a.born LIMIT 4"))
   a.born              a.name
0    1964        Keanu Reeves
1    1967    Carrie-Anne Moss
2    1961  Laurence Fishburne
3    1960        Hugo Weaving

Now I am trying to create (or better MERGE) a set of nodes and relationships from a pandas dataframe into a Neo4j database with py2neo. Imagine I have a dataframe like:

p1 n1
p2 n1
p3 n2
p4 n2

where Labels are column header and properties as values. I would like to reproduce the following cypher query (for the first row as example), for every rows of my dataframe:

    MATCH (a:Label1 {property:p1))
    MERGE (a)-[r:R_TYPE]->(b:Label2 {property:n1))

I know I can tell py2neo just to graph.run(query), or even run a LOAD CSV cypher script in the same way, but I wonder whether I can iterate through the dataframe and apply the above query row by row WITHIN py2neo.

like image 540
Fabio Lamanna Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 14:08

Fabio Lamanna

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cypher. execute() - Stack Overflow.

How are relationships stored in Neo4j?

Properties are stored as a linked list of property records, each holding a key and value and pointing to the next property. Each node and relationship references its first property record. The Nodes also reference the first relationship in its relationship chain. Each Relationship references its start and end node.

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1 Answers

You can use DataFrame.iterrows() to iterate through the DataFrame and execute a query for each row, passing in the values from the row as parameters.

for index, row in df.iterrows():
      MATCH (a:Label1 {property:$label1})
      MERGE (a)-[r:R_TYPE]->(b:Label2 {property:$label2})
    ''', parameters = {'label1': row['label1'], 'label2': row['label2']})

That will execute one transaction per row. We can batch multiple queries into one transaction for better performance.

tx = graph.begin()
for index, row in df.iterrows():
      MATCH (a:Label1 {property:$label1})
      MERGE (a)-[r:R_TYPE]->(b:Label2 {property:$label2})
    ''', parameters = {'label1': row['label1'], 'label2': row['label2']})

Typically we can batch ~20k database operations in a single transaction.

like image 55
William Lyon Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

William Lyon