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Stop Solr gracefully when it running in docker

I am running a solr in docker container

My docker ENTRYPOINT is $SOLR_HOME/bin/solr start ${options}

currently when I am running docker stop <container Id> its kill the process but solr stops incorrectly

In order to stop Solr correctly we need to run : $SOLR_HOME/bin/solr stop

How do I config docker to call solr stop command when docker stop <container Id> is executed?

like image 357
MoShe Avatar asked May 24 '16 13:05


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To stop Solr, you can cd to /path/to/solr-5.0. 0/bin and call ./solr stop -p 8983 . This stops the Solr server instance listening on port 8983.

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List the containers running for the service & stop them for example docker ps | grep service-name and then stop the container by using docker stop <ID> from above command.

1 Answers

When running $SOLR_HOME/bin/solr stop, the kernel sends a SIGQUIT signal to the process. To duplicate this in docker, you need to run docker kill --signal="SIGQUIT" <ContainerName> rather than docker stop. Docker Stop sends a SIGTERM signal by default.

like image 160
Ged Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
