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STL Priority Queue on custom class

I'm having a lot of trouble getting my priority queue to recognize which parameter it should sort by. I've overloaded the less than operator in my custom class but it doesn't seem to use it. Here's the relevant code:


class Node
    bool operator<(Node &aNode);


#include "Node.h"
bool Node::operator<(Node &aNode)
    return (this->getTotalCost() < aNode.getTotalCost());

getTotalCost() returns an int


priority_queue<Node*, vector<Node*>,less<vector<Node*>::value_type> > nodesToCheck;

What am I missing and/or doing wrong?

like image 584
bmalicoat Avatar asked Oct 09 '09 02:10


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1 Answers

less<vector<Node*>::value_type> Means that your comparator compares the pointers to each other, meaning your vector will be sorted by the layout in memory of the nodes.

You want to do something like this:

#include <functional>
struct DereferenceCompareNode : public std::binary_function<Node*, Node*, bool>
    bool operator()(const Node* lhs, const Node* rhs) const
        return lhs->getTotalCost() < rhs->getTotalCost();

// later...
priority_queue<Node*, vector<Node*>, DereferenceCompareNode> nodesToCheck;

Note that you need to be const-correct in your definition of totalCost.

EDIT: Now that C++11 is here, you don't need to inherit from std::binary_function anymore (which means you don't need to #include functional)

like image 120
rlbond Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 16:11
