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How to count the number of files in a directory using standard?




The new standard expected for 2017 adds std::filesystem. Using it, how can I count the number of files (including sub-directories) in a directory?

I know we can do:

std::size_t number_of_files_in_directory(std::filesystem::path path)
    std::size_t number_of_files = 0u;
    for (auto const & file : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(path))
    return number_of_files;

But that seems overkill. Does a simpler and faster way exist?

like image 564
Boiethios Avatar asked Dec 23 '16 16:12


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2 Answers

I do not think that a way to easily get amount of files in directory exist, but you can simplify your code by using std::distance instead of handwritten loop:

std::size_t number_of_files_in_directory(std::filesystem::path path)
    using std::filesystem::directory_iterator;
    return std::distance(directory_iterator(path), directory_iterator{});

You can get number of only actual files or apply any other filter by using count_if instead:

std::size_t number_of_files_in_directory(std::filesystem::path path)
    using std::filesystem::directory_iterator;
    using fp = bool (*)( const std::filesystem::path&);
    return std::count_if(directory_iterator(path), directory_iterator{}, (fp)std::filesystem::is_regular_file);
like image 101
Revolver_Ocelot Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10


std::size_t number_of_files_in_directory(std::filesystem::path path)
    return (std::size_t)std::distance(std::filesystem::directory_iterator{path}, std::filesystem::directory_iterator{});

There is no function to find out how many files are in a directory, only functions to iterate over it. The OS only has functions like readdir(), ftw(), FindFirstFileW() so the standard cannot offer a better way.

(On the plus side that allows you to decide whether to, or how deep into, recurse into subdirectories)

like image 35
user45891 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10
