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std::shared_ptr and Inheritance

I am having some problems with automatic typecasting between shared_ptr of inherited classes.

My class structure is as follows, a base class Base and two derived classes Derived1 and Derived2.

// Base class
class Base {
  Base() = default;
  virtual ~Base() = default;
  virtual void run() = 0;

// Derived class
class Derived1: Base {
  Derived1() = default;
  virtual ~Derived1() = default;
  void run() {...}

// Derived class
class Derived2: Base {
  Derived2() = default;
  virtual ~Derived2() = default;
  void run() {...}

I have a function doSomething()

void doSomething(std::shared_ptr<Base> ptr) {

I call the function with the derived classes like so -


But I get an error saying -

no viable conversion from 'shared_ptr<class Derived1>' to 'shared_ptr<class Base>'
no viable conversion from 'shared_ptr<class Derived1>' to 'shared_ptr<class Base>'

What am I doing wrong? Is it safe just to use static_pointer_cast to the Base type? Like -


SOLUTION My bad... The problem was that I was inheriting the base class privately.

like image 607
ssb Avatar asked Jul 07 '14 05:07


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1 Answers

As far as I can tell, the code that you've presented compiles fine: http://ideone.com/06RB2W

#include <memory>

class Base {
        Base() = default;
        virtual ~Base() = default;
        virtual void run() = 0;

class Derived1: public Base {
        Derived1() = default;
        virtual ~Derived1() = default;
        void run() {}

class Derived2: public Base {
        Derived2() = default;
        virtual ~Derived2() = default;
        void run() {}

void doSomething(std::shared_ptr<Base> ptr) {

int main() {
like image 93
Bill Lynch Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Bill Lynch