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std::move or std::forward when assigning universal constructor to member variable in C++

Consider the following classes foo1 and foo2

template <typename T>
struct foo1
    T t_;

    foo1(T&& t) :
        t_{ std::move(t) }

template <typename T>
struct foo2
    foo1<T> t_;

    foo2(T&& t) :
        t_{ std::forward<T>(t) }

Is it always the case that the constructor of foo1 represents the correct way to initialise the member variable T? i.e. by using std::move.

Is it always the case that the constructor of foo2 represents the correct way to initialise the member variable foo1<T> due to needing to forward to foo1's constructor? i.e. by using std::forward.


The following example fails for foo1 using std::move:

template <typename T>
foo1<T> make_foo1(T&& t)
    return{ std::forward<T>(t) };

struct bah {};

int main()
    bah b;

    make_foo1(b); // compiler error as std::move cannot be used on reference

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Which is a problem as I want T to be both a reference type and a value type.

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keith Avatar asked Dec 02 '16 14:12


People also ask

When should you use std :: move?

std::move is used to indicate that an object t may be "moved from", i.e. allowing the efficient transfer of resources from t to another object.

What do std :: move and std :: forward do?

std::move takes an object and casts it as an rvalue reference, which indicates that resources can be "stolen" from this object. std::forward has a single use-case: to cast a templated function parameter of type forwarding reference ( T&& ) to the value category ( lvalue or rvalue ) the caller used to pass it.

What does move () do in C ++?

std::move in C++Moves the elements in the range [first,last] into the range beginning at result. The value of the elements in the [first,last] is transferred to the elements pointed by result. After the call, the elements in the range [first,last] are left in an unspecified but valid state.

What is std :: forward?

The std::forward function as the std::move function aims at implementing move semantics in C++. The function takes a forwarding reference. According to the T template parameter, std::forward identifies whether an lvalue or an rvalue reference has been passed to it and returns a corresponding kind of reference.

2 Answers

Neither of these examples use universal references (forwarding references, as they are now called).

Forwarding references are only formed in the presence of type deduction, but T&& in the constructors for foo1 and foo2 is not deduced, so it's just an rvalue reference.

Since both are rvalue references, you should use std::move on both.

If you want to use forwarding references, you should make the constructors have a deduced template argument:

template <typename T>
struct foo1
    T t_;

    template <typename U>
    foo1(U&& u) :
        t_{ std::forward<U>(u) }

template <typename T>
struct foo2
    foo1<T> t_;

    template <typename U>
    foo2(U&& u) :
        t_{ std::forward<U>(u) }

You should not use std::move in foo1 in this case, as client code could pass an lvalue and have the object invalidated silently:

std::vector<int> v {0,1,2};
foo1<std::vector<int>> foo = v;
std::cout << v[2]; //yay, undefined behaviour

A simpler approach would be to take by value and unconditionally std::move into the storage:

template <typename T>
struct foo1
    T t_;

    foo1(T t) :
        t_{ std::move(t) }

template <typename T>
struct foo2
    foo1<T> t_;

    foo2(T t) :
        t_{ std::move(t) }

For the perfect forwarding version:

  • Passed lvalue -> one copy
  • Passed rvalue -> one move

For the pass by value and move version:

  • Passed lvalue -> one copy, one move
  • Passed rvalue -> two moves

Consider how performant this code needs to be and how much it'll need to be changed and maintained, and choose an option based on that.

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TartanLlama Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10


This depends on how you deduce T. For example:

template<class T>
foo1<T> make_foo1( T&& t ) {
  return std::forward<T>(t);

In this case, the T in foo1<T> is a forwarding reference, and your code won't compile.

std::vector<int> bob{1,2,3};
auto foo = make_foo1(bob);

the above code silently moved from bob into a std::vector<int>& within the constructor to foo1<std::vector<int>&>.

Doing the same with foo2 would work. You'd get a foo2<std::vector<int>&>, and it would hold a reference to bob.

When you write a template, you must consider what it means for the type T to be reference. If your code doesn't support it being a reference, consider static_assert or SFINAE to block that case.

template <typename T>
struct foo1 {
  T t_;

  foo1(T&& t) :
    t_{ std::move(t) }

Now this code generates a reasonable error message.

You might think the existing error message was ok, but it was only ok because we moved into a T.

template <typename T>
struct foo1 {

  foo1(T&& t)
    auto internal_t = std::move(t);

here only the static_assert ensured that our T&& was actual an rvalue.

But enough with this theoretical list of problems. You have a concrete one.

In the end this is probably want you want:

template <class T> // typename is too many letters
struct foo1 {
  T t_;

  template<class U,
    class dU=std::decay_t<U>, // or remove ref and cv
    // SFINAE guard required for all reasonable 1-argument forwarding
    // reference constructors:
      !std::is_same<dU, foo1>{} && // does not apply to `foo1` itself
      std::is_convertible<U, T> // fail early, instead of in body
    ,int> = 0
  foo1(U&& u):
  // explicitly default special member functions:
  foo1(foo1 const&)=default;
  foo1(foo1 &&)=default;
  foo1& operator=(foo1 const&)=default;
  foo1& operator=(foo1 &&)=default;

or, the simpler case that is just as good in 99/100 cases:

template <class T>
struct foo1 {
  T t_;

  foo1(T t) :
    t_{ std::move(t) }
  // default special member functions, just because I never ever
  // want to have to memorize the rules that makes them not exist
  // or exist based on what other code I have written:
  foo1(foo1 const&)=default;
  foo1(foo1 &&)=default;
  foo1& operator=(foo1 const&)=default;
  foo1& operator=(foo1 &&)=default;

As a general rule, this simpler technique results in exactly 1 move more than the perfect forwarding technique, in exchange for a huge amount less code and complexity. And it permits {} initialization of the T t argument to your constructor, which is nice.

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Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont