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std::any without RTTI, how does it work?






If I want to use std::any I can use it with RTTI switched off. The following example compiles and runs as expected also with -fno-rtti with gcc.

int main() {        std::any x;     x=9.9;     std::cout << std::any_cast<double>(x) << std::endl; } 

But how std::any stores the type information? As I see, if I call std::any_cast with the "wrong" type I got std::bad_any_cast exception as expected.

How is that realized or is this maybe only a gcc feature?

I found that boost::any did also not need RTTI, but I found also not how that is solved. Does boost::any need RTTI?.

Digging into the STL header itself gives me no answer. That code is nearly unreadable to me.

like image 732
Klaus Avatar asked Jul 16 '18 12:07


People also ask

Does std any require RTTI?

Since this function is specific to a given type, you don't need RTTI to perform the operations required by std::any .

What is the purpose of std :: any?

std::any Class in C++ any is one of the newest features of C++17 that provides a type-safe container to store single value of any type. In layman's terms, it is a container which allows one to store any value in it without worrying about the type safety.

2 Answers

TL;DR; std::any holds a pointer to a static member function of a templated class. This function can perform many operations and is specific to a given type since the actual instance of the function depends on the template arguments of the class.

The implementation of std::any in libstdc++ is not that complex, you can have a look at it:


Basically, std::any holds two things:

  • A pointer to a (dynamically) allocated storage;
  • A pointer to a "storage manager function":
void (*_M_manager)(_Op, const any*, _Arg*); 

When you construct or assign a new std::any with an object of type T, _M_manager points to a function specific to the type T (which is actually a static member function of class specific to T):

template <typename _ValueType,            typename _Tp = _Decay<_ValueType>,           typename _Mgr = _Manager<_Tp>, // <-- Class specific to T.           __any_constructible_t<_Tp, _ValueType&&> = true,           enable_if_t<!__is_in_place_type<_Tp>::value, bool> = true> any(_ValueType&& __value)   : _M_manager(&_Mgr::_S_manage) { /* ... */ } 

Since this function is specific to a given type, you don't need RTTI to perform the operations required by std::any.

Furthermore, it is easy to check that you are casting to the right type within std::any_cast. Here is the core of the gcc implementation of std::any_cast:

template<typename _Tp> void* __any_caster(const any* __any) {     if constexpr (is_copy_constructible_v<decay_t<_Tp>>) {         if (__any->_M_manager == &any::_Manager<decay_t<_Tp>>::_S_manage) {             any::_Arg __arg;             __any->_M_manager(any::_Op_access, __any, &__arg);             return __arg._M_obj;         }     }     return nullptr; } 

You can see that it is simply an equality check between the stored function inside the object you are trying to cast (_any->_M_manager) and the manager function of the type you want to cast to (&any::_Manager<decay_t<_Tp>>::_S_manage).

The class _Manager<_Tp> is actually an alias to either _Manager_internal<_Tp> or _Manager_external<_Tp> depending on _Tp. This class is also used for allocation / construction of object for the std::any class.

like image 141
Holt Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10


Manual implementation of a limited RTTI is not that hard. You're gonna need static generic functions. That much I can say without providing a complete implementation. here is one possibility:

class meta{     static auto id(){         static std::atomic<std::size_t> nextid{};         return ++nextid;//globally unique     };     std::size_t mid=0;//per instance type id public:     template<typename T>     meta(T&&){         static const std::size_t tid{id()};//classwide unique         mid=tid;     };     meta(meta const&)=default;     meta(meta&&)=default;     meta():mid{}{};     template<typename T>     auto is_a(T&& obj){return mid==meta{obj}.mid;}; }; 

This is my first observation; far from ideal, missing many details. One may use one instance of meta as a none-static data member of his supposed implementation of std::any.

like image 31
Red.Wave Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10
