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Starting Shiny app after password input





I know that in Shiny Server Pro there is a function of password control. The question is that Shiny has function passwordInput(), which is like textInput() Has anybody thought about how to do the following:

1) Launching the application only after correct password input 2) Launching the part of application after correct password input (for example, I have some tabs in shinydashboard, and I want to make an acces to one of them only by password)


like image 381
Алексей Мельников Avatar asked Mar 11 '15 13:03

Алексей Мельников

People also ask

Do you need R to run Shiny app?

But the simplest way to run a Shiny app is to run it locally. You only need the shiny R package installed, and you can run the app in your browser.

Is R Shiny difficult to learn?

Along with Shiny elements, you can use HTML elements to stylize your content in your application. In my opinion, R Shiny is very easy to learn despite how powerful the tool is. If you're working on a side project or looking to add something to your portfolio, I highly recommend trying it out.

2 Answers

Adding onto the first answer, you can also encrypt your password easily by combining shinymanager with the scrypt package. To do so, you can first generate a password and hash it:

library(scrypt) password <- hashPassword("ice") password #copy this hashed output and then paste it in your app's code 

Now, if we take the earlier example, all you need to do to modify it is make an object that has your hashed value (not the raw) and set the is_hashed_password argument within credentials to TRUE.

You can access the app (user name: 1) without having your raw password stored in the script.

library(shiny) library(shinymanager) library(scrypt)  inactivity <- "function idleTimer() { var t = setTimeout(logout, 120000); window.onmousemove = resetTimer; // catches mouse movements window.onmousedown = resetTimer; // catches mouse movements window.onclick = resetTimer;     // catches mouse clicks window.onscroll = resetTimer;    // catches scrolling window.onkeypress = resetTimer;  //catches keyboard actions  function logout() { window.close();  //close the window }  function resetTimer() { clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(logout, 120000);  // time is in milliseconds (1000 is 1 second) } } idleTimer();"  password <- "c2NyeXB0ABAAAAAIAAAAAVYhtzTyvRJ9e3hYVOOk63KUzmu7rdoycf3MDQ2jKLDQUkpCpweMU3xCvI3C6suJbKss4jrNBxaEdT/fBzxJitY3vGABhpPahksMpNu/Jou5"  # data.frame with credentials info credentials <- data.frame(   user = c("1", "fanny", "victor", "benoit"),   password = password,   is_hashed_password = TRUE,   # comment = c("alsace", "auvergne", "bretagne"), %>%    stringsAsFactors = FALSE )  ui <- secure_app(head_auth = tags$script(inactivity),                  fluidPage(                    # classic app                    headerPanel('Iris k-means clustering'),                    sidebarPanel(                      selectInput('xcol', 'X Variable', names(iris)),                      selectInput('ycol', 'Y Variable', names(iris),                                  selected=names(iris)[[2]]),                      numericInput('clusters', 'Cluster count', 3,                                   min = 1, max = 9)                    ),                    mainPanel(                      plotOutput('plot1'),                      verbatimTextOutput("res_auth")                    )                                      ))  server <- function(input, output, session) {      result_auth <- secure_server(check_credentials = check_credentials(credentials))      output$res_auth <- renderPrint({     reactiveValuesToList(result_auth)   })      # classic app   selectedData <- reactive({     iris[, c(input$xcol, input$ycol)]   })      clusters <- reactive({     kmeans(selectedData(), input$clusters)   })      output$plot1 <- renderPlot({     palette(c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3",               "#FF7F00", "#FFFF33", "#A65628", "#F781BF", "#999999"))          par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 0, 1))     plot(selectedData(),          col = clusters()$cluster,          pch = 20, cex = 3)     points(clusters()$centers, pch = 4, cex = 4, lwd = 4)   })    }   shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) 
like image 23
J.Sabree Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 16:09


EDIT 2019: We can now use the package shinymanager to do this: the invactivity script is to timeout the login page after 2 mins of inactivity so you dont waste resources:

library(shiny) library(shinymanager)  inactivity <- "function idleTimer() { var t = setTimeout(logout, 120000); window.onmousemove = resetTimer; // catches mouse movements window.onmousedown = resetTimer; // catches mouse movements window.onclick = resetTimer;     // catches mouse clicks window.onscroll = resetTimer;    // catches scrolling window.onkeypress = resetTimer;  //catches keyboard actions  function logout() { window.close();  //close the window }  function resetTimer() { clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(logout, 120000);  // time is in milliseconds (1000 is 1 second) } } idleTimer();"   # data.frame with credentials info credentials <- data.frame(   user = c("1", "fanny", "victor", "benoit"),   password = c("1", "azerty", "12345", "azerty"),   # comment = c("alsace", "auvergne", "bretagne"), %>%    stringsAsFactors = FALSE )  ui <- secure_app(head_auth = tags$script(inactivity),                  fluidPage(                    # classic app                    headerPanel('Iris k-means clustering'),                    sidebarPanel(                      selectInput('xcol', 'X Variable', names(iris)),                      selectInput('ycol', 'Y Variable', names(iris),                                  selected=names(iris)[[2]]),                      numericInput('clusters', 'Cluster count', 3,                                   min = 1, max = 9)                    ),                    mainPanel(                      plotOutput('plot1'),                      verbatimTextOutput("res_auth")                    )                                      ))  server <- function(input, output, session) {      result_auth <- secure_server(check_credentials = check_credentials(credentials))      output$res_auth <- renderPrint({     reactiveValuesToList(result_auth)   })      # classic app   selectedData <- reactive({     iris[, c(input$xcol, input$ycol)]   })      clusters <- reactive({     kmeans(selectedData(), input$clusters)   })      output$plot1 <- renderPlot({     palette(c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3",               "#FF7F00", "#FFFF33", "#A65628", "#F781BF", "#999999"))          par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 0, 1))     plot(selectedData(),          col = clusters()$cluster,          pch = 20, cex = 3)     points(clusters()$centers, pch = 4, cex = 4, lwd = 4)   })    }   shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) 

enter image description here

Original Post: I am going to answer #1 and for #2 you can simply expand on my example. Following this example Encrypt password with md5 for Shiny-app. you can do the following:

  1. Create 2 pages and if the user inputs the correct username and password you can renderUI and use htmlOutput to output your page
  2. You can style the position of the box with username and password with tagsas I did and color them if you want also using tags$style

You can then further look into the actual page and specify what should be created as a result of different users. You can also look into JavaScript Popup Boxes

EDIT 2018: Also have a look at the example here https://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/authentication-and-database.html

Example of front page

rm(list = ls()) library(shiny)  Logged = FALSE; my_username <- "test" my_password <- "test"  ui1 <- function(){   tagList(     div(id = "login",         wellPanel(textInput("userName", "Username"),                   passwordInput("passwd", "Password"),                   br(),actionButton("Login", "Log in"))),     tags$style(type="text/css", "#login {font-size:10px;   text-align: left;position:absolute;top: 40%;left: 50%;margin-top: -100px;margin-left: -150px;}")   )}  ui2 <- function(){tagList(tabPanel("Test"))}  ui = (htmlOutput("page")) server = (function(input, output,session) {      USER <- reactiveValues(Logged = Logged)      observe({      if (USER$Logged == FALSE) {       if (!is.null(input$Login)) {         if (input$Login > 0) {           Username <- isolate(input$userName)           Password <- isolate(input$passwd)           Id.username <- which(my_username == Username)           Id.password <- which(my_password == Password)           if (length(Id.username) > 0 & length(Id.password) > 0) {             if (Id.username == Id.password) {               USER$Logged <- TRUE             }            }         }        }     }       })   observe({     if (USER$Logged == FALSE) {              output$page <- renderUI({         div(class="outer",do.call(bootstrapPage,c("",ui1())))       })     }     if (USER$Logged == TRUE)      {       output$page <- renderUI({         div(class="outer",do.call(navbarPage,c(inverse=TRUE,title = "Contratulations you got in!",ui2())))       })       print(ui)     }   }) })  runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server)) 
like image 147
Pork Chop Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Pork Chop