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Add row to a data frame with total sum for each column




I have a data frame where I would like to add an additional row that totals up the values for each column. For example, Let's say I have this data:

x <- data.frame(Language=c("C++", "Java", "Python"),                  Files=c(4009, 210, 35),                  LOC=c(15328,876, 200),                  stringsAsFactors=FALSE)     

Data looks like this:

  Language Files   LOC 1      C++  4009 15328 2     Java   210   876 3   Python    35   200 

My instinct is to do this:

y <- rbind(x, c("Total", colSums(x[,2:3]))) 

And this works, it computes the totals:

> y   Language Files   LOC 1      C++  4009 15328 2     Java   210   876 3   Python    35   200 4    Total  4254 16404 

The problem is that the Files and LOC columns have all been converted to strings:

> y$LOC [1] "15328" "876"   "200"   "16404" 

I understand that this is happening because I created a vector c("Total", colSums(x[,2:3]) with inputs that are both numbers and strings, and it's converting all the elements to a common type so that all of the vector elements are the same. Then the same thing happens to the Files and LOC columns.

What's a better way to do this?

like image 755
Lorin Hochstein Avatar asked Feb 09 '11 15:02

Lorin Hochstein

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1 Answers

See adorn_totals() from the janitor package:

library(janitor) x %>%   adorn_totals("row")  #>  Language Files   LOC #>       C++  4009 15328 #>      Java   210   876 #>    Python    35   200 #>     Total  4254 16404 

The numeric columns remain of class numeric.

Disclaimer: I created this package, including adorn_totals() which is made for precisely this task.

like image 97
Sam Firke Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10

Sam Firke