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StackBlitz ngcc failed to run on my npm library with Ivy enabled

I have published an Angular 10 library to npm and it works fine in a local Angular 10 project with Ivy enabled but if I try and use it on StackBlitz I have to disable Ivy.


but working with Ivy disabled


Not sure why I would have to turn Ivy off for StackBlitz but I can use it fine in a local CLI Ivy project.

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Adrian Brand Avatar asked Aug 13 '20 01:08

Adrian Brand

2 Answers

This is apparently a recent recurring issue which has been filed on their GitHub repo. Similar cases are rising, working with Ivy off.

I think it is safe to assume the problem is from their part, as long as packages are running fine on regular environments.


Edit: as Ahmed pointed out, confirmed by the StackBlitz team on Twitter

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Simon Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 15:11


I was able to get this to work by going to the settings on the left panel and disabling Enable Ivy then doing a hard refresh on the browser.

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DrakeAnglin Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 13:11
