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SSH.NET real-time command output monitoring

There is a long running script script.sh on a remote Linux machine. I need to start it and monitor it's activity in real time. The script during it's activity may output to stdout and stderr. I am searching for a way to capture both of the streams.

I use Renci SSH.NET to upload script.sh and start it, so it would be great to see a solution bounded to this library. In my mind the perfect solution is the new method:

var realTimeScreen= ...;

var commandExecutionStatus = sshClient.RunCommandAsync(
    command: './script.sh',
    stdoutEventHandler: stdoutString => realTimeScreen.UpdateStdout(stdString)
    stderrEventHandler: stderrString => realTimeScreen.UpdateStderr(stderrString));
commandExecutionStatus.ContinueWith(monitoringTask =>
    if (monitoringTask.Completed)
like image 911
Egor Okhterov Avatar asked Jul 23 '15 12:07

Egor Okhterov

3 Answers

Use SshClient.CreateCommand method. It returns SshCommand instance.

The SshCommand class has OutputStream (and Result) for stdout and ExtendedOutputStream for stderr.

See SshCommandTest.cs:

public void Test_Execute_ExtendedOutputStream()
    var host = Resources.HOST;
    var username = Resources.USERNAME;
    var password = Resources.PASSWORD;

    using (var client = new SshClient(host, username, password))
        #region Example SshCommand CreateCommand Execute ExtendedOutputStream

        var cmd = client.CreateCommand("echo 12345; echo 654321 >&2");
        var result = cmd.Execute();


        var reader = new StreamReader(cmd.ExtendedOutputStream);




See also a full code for similar WinForms question Execute long time command in SSH.NET and display the results continuously in TextBox.

like image 55
Martin Prikryl Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11

Martin Prikryl

So, here is the solution I came up with. Of course, it can be improved, so it is open to critique.
I used

await Dispatcher.Yield(DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle);

instead of Task.Yield() because Task.Yield() will make continuation a higher priority than GUI events, but, as a bad consequence, it demands your application to use WindowsBase.dll.

public static class SshCommandExtensions
    public static async Task ExecuteAsync(
        this SshCommand sshCommand,
        IProgress<ScriptOutputLine> progress,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var asyncResult = sshCommand.BeginExecute();
        var stdoutStreamReader = new StreamReader(sshCommand.OutputStream);
        var stderrStreamReader = new StreamReader(sshCommand.ExtendedOutputStream);

        while (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
            await CheckOutputAndReportProgress(

            await Dispatcher.Yield(DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle);


        await CheckOutputAndReportProgress(

    private static async Task CheckOutputAndReportProgress(
        SshCommand sshCommand,
        TextReader stdoutStreamReader,
        TextReader stderrStreamReader,
        IProgress<ScriptOutputLine> progress,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

        await CheckStdoutAndReportProgressAsync(stdoutStreamReader, progress);
        await CheckStderrAndReportProgressAsync(stderrStreamReader, progress);

    private static async Task CheckStdoutAndReportProgressAsync(
        TextReader stdoutStreamReader,
        IProgress<ScriptOutputLine> stdoutProgress)
        var stdoutLine = await stdoutStreamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stdoutLine))
            stdoutProgress.Report(new ScriptOutputLine(
                line: stdoutLine,
                isErrorLine: false));

    private static async Task CheckStderrAndReportProgressAsync(
        TextReader stderrStreamReader,
        IProgress<ScriptOutputLine> stderrProgress)
        var stderrLine = await stderrStreamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stderrLine))
            stderrProgress.Report(new ScriptOutputLine(
                line: stderrLine,
                isErrorLine: true));

public class ScriptOutputLine
    public ScriptOutputLine(string line, bool isErrorLine)
        Line = line;
        IsErrorLine = isErrorLine;

    public string Line { get; private set; }

    public bool IsErrorLine { get; private set; }
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Egor Okhterov Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11

Egor Okhterov

In addition to Wojtpl2's answer. For commands like "tail -f" one of the streamer tasks will lock on ReadLine method:

var stderrLine = await streamReader.ReadLineAsync();

To overcome this, we need to pass token to streamReader with extension method:

        public static Task<T> WithCancellation<T>(this Task<T> task, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return task.IsCompleted // fast-path optimization
                ? task
                : task.ContinueWith(
                    completedTask => completedTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult(),

thx to Can I cancel StreamReader.ReadLineAsync with a CancellationToken?

and use it like this:

var stderrLine = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync().WithCancellation(cancellationToken);
like image 1
obviliontsk Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11
