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Raising a PropertyChanged event during a Pause in TextBox entry?

I was wondering if it's possible to raise a PropertyChanged event when the user pauses while typing text into a TextBox? Or more specifically, I want to run a method X seconds after the user stops typing in a TextBox.

For example, I have a form with a TextBox and nothing else. The user types in a 1-9 digit Id value into the TextBox, a fairly resource-intensive background process loads the record.

I do not want to use the UpdateSouceTrigger=PropertyChanged because that would cause the resource-intensive background process to run whenever a character gets typed, so a 9-digit ID number starts off 9 of these processes.

I also don't want to use UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus because there is nothing else on the form to make the TextBox lose focus.

So is there a way to cause my background process to run only after the user pauses when typing in the Id number?

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Rachel Avatar asked Jul 15 '11 17:07


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1 Answers

Set UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, and then each time the property changes, kick off a timer for the delay you'd like. If the property is changed again prior to the timer tick, then cancel the old timer and kick off a new one. If the timer does tick, then you know the property hasn't changed in X seconds, and you can kick off the background process.

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dlev Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10
