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sscanf with "_" delimiter in C



I'm running the following code in C. I'm not getting the right answer.

int main()

    char test[100] = "This_Is_A_Test_99";
    char tmp1[10],tmp2[10],tmp3[10],tmp4[10],tmp5[10];


    printf ("Temp 1 is %s\n",tmp1);
    printf ("Temp 2 is %s\n",tmp2);
    printf ("Temp 3 is %s\n",tmp3);
    printf ("Temp 4 is %s\n",tmp4);
    printf ("Temp 5 is %s\n",tmp5);

    return 0;

The output I get is

Temp 1 is This
Temp 2 is 
Temp 3 is 
Temp 4 is 
Temp 5 is 

What is that I have to do fetch "This" "Is" "A" "Test" and "99" on individual variables.

like image 483
Kitcha Avatar asked Nov 15 '11 18:11


3 Answers


should be


Note that you are separating the placeholders with , instead of _.

See http://ideone.com/8zBmG.

Also, you don't need the 's unless you want to skip the single quotes as well.

(BTW, you should take a look into strtok_r.)

like image 163
kennytm Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09


You are scanning commata between your strings, and there are none in the text. Remove them from the pattern:


Apostrophes are probably unnecessary, too. You don't need to quote anything since no shell is going to expand it:


Taking up pmg's suggestion, you should write the length of your temporary explicitly into the scanf arguments to make sure you don't get buffer overflows:


And then check the return value:

int token_count = sscanf(test,"%9[^_]%9[^_]%9[^_]%9[^_]%9s",tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5);
if ( token_count != 5 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong\n"); exit(42); }
like image 29
thiton Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09


It looks to me like you have included commas (,) in your sscanf string.

But there are no commas in your input. Without any commas to process, sscanf is failing after the first string "This"

I recommend trying the format string:

like image 39
abelenky Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
