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SQL Server Error "Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]"

I used to have a desktop application pointing to a Sybase database through an .ini file that had this connection string:

 CONNECTION_NAME = "DSN="Dna_Name";UID="User";PWD="Password""

It worked perfectly.

A few days ago the database has been migrated to SQL Server 2008 R2 and I need to update the .ini file to redirect the new production server. I updated the connection string as follow:

CONNECTION_NAME = "Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog="CatalogName";Data Source="Production_DNS""

But I'm getting the following error:

Named Pipe Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]

Additional notes:

  • Production DNS is working perfectly in other IT areas and other apps are reaching the server without troubles.
  • I'm trying to connect from dev box.
  • The application is an inherited implementation with several years, that's why the *.ini file needs to be kept around.

I've some hours browsing internet for error details with almost no results.

Does the new connection string seems correct?. Any idea of what can be generating the error? Recommendations?

Thanks in advance,

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G21 Avatar asked Mar 11 '15 18:03


People also ask

How do you fix Named Pipes Provider Could not open a connection to SQL Server 53?

Check the TCP/IP and Named Pipes protocols and port. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager and check the SQL Server Network Configuration protocols. You should enable Named Pipes and TCP/IP protocol. For the TCP/IP protocol, right click and select properties to check the TCP/IP communication port as well.

Could not open a connection to SQL Server 53 microsoft SQL Server error 53?

This error could occur because either the client cannot resolve the name of the server or the name of the server is incorrect.

How do I fix Error 53 in SQL Server?

Make sure to enter correct SQL Server instance name while making database connection otherwise you will face sql error 53. Try to connect using ip address and port number instead of putting server name in connection string. Make sure SQL Server services are running fine and its accessible.

1 Answers

Fortunately after digging around for several hours I have been told there is a production DNS error that was causing my issue.

I fixed the issue by providing the server name on the Data Source connection attribue as follow:

CONNECTION_NAME = "Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog="CatalogName";Data Source="Production_Server_Name;""

Tip: to avoid errors on server name you can check it out through SQL Server Management Studio by executing the following T-SQL:

SELECT @@servername
like image 69
G21 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
