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CONCAT(column) OVER(PARTITION BY...)? Group-concatentating rows without grouping the result itself

I need a way to make a concatenation of all rows (per group) in a kind of window function like how you can do COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY...) and the aggregate count of all rows per group will repeat across each particular group. I need something similar but a string concatenation of all values per group repeated across each group.

Here is some example data and my desired result to better illustrate my problem:

grp  |  val
1    |  a
1    |  b
1    |  c
1    |  d
2    |  x
2    |  y
2    |  z

And here is what I need (the desired result):

grp  |   val  |  groupcnct
1    |   a    |  abcd
1    |   b    |  abcd
1    |   c    |  abcd
1    |   d    |  abcd
2    |   x    |  xyz
2    |   y    |  xyz
2    |   z    |  xyz

Here is the really tricky part of this problem:

My particular situation prevents me from being able to reference the same table twice (I'm actually doing this within a recursive CTE, so I can't do a self-join of the CTE or it will throw an error).

I'm fully aware that one can do something like:

SELECT      a.*, b.groupcnct
FROM        tbl a
            SELECT STUFF((
                        SELECT '' + aa.val 
                        FROM   tbl aa
                        WHERE  aa.grp = a.grp
                        FOR XML PATH('')
                   ), 1, 0, '') AS groupcnct
            ) b

But as you can see, that is referencing tbl two times in the query.

I can only reference tbl once, hence why I'm wondering if windowing the group-concatenation is possible (I'm a bit new to TSQL since I come from a MySQL background, so not sure if something like that can be done).

Create Table:

    (grp int, val varchar(1));

    (grp, val)
    (1, 'a'),
    (1, 'b'),
    (1, 'c'),
    (1, 'd'),
    (2, 'x'),
    (2, 'y'),
    (2, 'z');
like image 291
Zane Bien Avatar asked Aug 19 '12 03:08

Zane Bien

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Can I use Concat with group by in SQL?

The GROUP_CONCAT() function in MySQL is used to concatenate data from multiple rows into one field. This is an aggregate (GROUP BY) function which returns a String value, if the group contains at least one non-NULL value. Otherwise, it returns NULL.

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Concatenate Rows Using COALESCE All you have to do is, declare a varchar variable and inside the coalesce, concat the variable with comma and the column, then assign the COALESCE to the variable.

Can you concat columns in SQL?

In SQL, you can also concatenate numerical data from the table in the same way as we concatenate strings. The CONCAT function can also be used to join numeric values.

What is concat function in SQL and how it is different from using for concatenation?

SQL CONCAT function implicitly converts arguments to string types before concatenation. We can use SQL CONVERT function as well without converting the appropriate data type. If we concatenate string using the plus( +) operator, we need to use SQL CONVERT function to convert data types.

1 Answers

In sql 2017 you can use STRING_AGG function:

SELECT STRING_AGG(T.val, ',') AS val
    , T.grp
FROM @tbl AS T
like image 155
Rade Vojvodic Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10

Rade Vojvodic