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SQL returns less results when using UNION?

I have a SQL Server stored procedure that doesn't give me all the results when I add in the union and the second half. The first half will give me all 6 results, using the union, I only get 5.

There are 3 patients with their own [chart number], each have 2 items that should be displayed. if the [CPTCode] is the same for both entries of a patient, only one of the two entries show up when i add the union (it gives me all 6 with the same [cptcode] without the union). The second half isn't actually pulling any information with what i'm doing right now, but it is needed.

select      /*Patients with chart numbers*/    B1.[chart Number],    '0' as newPatient,     isnull(Lytec.[Last Name],'') as [Last Name],     isnull(Lytec.[First Name],'') as [First Name],    isnull(Address.[Name],    Lytec.[Facility Code]) as [Facility],     isnull(B1.DOS,'') as [DOS],     isnull(Ins.[Name],    Lytec.[Primary Code]) as [Primary Code],    isnull(B1.[CPTCode],'') as cptCode,     isnull(B1.[Units],'') as [Units],     isnull(B1.[Modifiers],'') as [Modifiers],     isnull(B1.[cptCodeOther],'') as [cptCodeOther],    isnull(B1.[cptCode2],'') as cptCode2,     isnull(B1.[Units],'') as [Units2],     isnull(B1.[Modifiers2],'') as [Modifiers2],     isnull(B1.[cptCodeOther2],'') as [cptCodeOther2],    'name' as ProviderName from     [sandboxmr].dbo.patient Lytec    left join [dbo].[Billing] B1 on B1.[Chart Number] = Lytec.[Chart Number]    left join [sandboxmr].dbo.[Address] Address on Lytec.[Facility Code] = Address.[Code]    left join [sandboxmr].dbo.[Insurance] Ins on Lytec.[Primary Code] = Ins.[Code] where     b1.[userid] = 54    and (b1.[DateSubmitted] >= convert(varchar(25),'2011-8-31',101)     and b1.[DateSubmitted] <= convert(varchar(25),'2011-9-22',101))  union  select      /*Patients without chart numbers*/    cast(P.id as varchar(15)) as [chart number],     '1' as newPatient,      isnull(P.[Last Name],'') as [Last Name],     isnull(P.[First Name],'') as [First Name],    isnull(Address.[Name],    P.[Facility Code]) as [Facility],     isnull(IV.DOS,isnull(SV.DOS,'')) as [DOS],     isnull(Ins.[Name],P.[Primary_Code]) as [Primary Code],    isnull(IV.[cptCode],isnull(SV.[cptCode],'')) as cptCode,     isnull(IV.[Units],isnull(SV.[Units],'')) as [Units],     isnull(IV.[Modifiers],isnull(SV.[Modifiers],'')) as [Modifiers],        isnull(IV.[cptcodeother],isnull(SV.[cptcodeother],'')) as [cptCodeOther],    isnull(IV.[cptCode2],isnull(SV.[cptCode2],'')) as cptCode2,     isnull(IV.Units2,isnull(SV.Units2,'')) as [Units2],     isnull(IV.[Modifiers2],isnull(SV.[Modifiers2],'')) as [Modifiers2],     isnull(IV.[cptCodeOther2],isnull(SV.[cptCodeOther2],'')) as [cptCodeOther2],    'Name' as ProviderName from     [DNSList].[dbo].[Patient] P     left join [dbo].[InitialVisits] IV on p.emr_id = IV.patientid    left join [dbo].[SubsequentVisits] SV on p.emr_id = SV.patientid    left join [sandboxmr].dbo.[Address] Address on P.[Facility Code] = Address.[Code] left join [sandboxmr].dbo.[Insurance] Ins on P.[Primary_Code] = Ins.[Code] where     p.[userid] = 54     and p.[Chart Number] is null    and (p.[DateSubmitted] >= convert(varchar(25),'2011-8-31',101)     and p.[DateSubmitted] <= convert(varchar(25),'2011-9-22',101)) order by     [Last Name] 

Why does it do this, and how can I fix it? I've tried adding a distinct to the [cptcode] area, but it of course generates an error.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

like image 613
dave k Avatar asked Sep 02 '11 18:09

dave k

People also ask

Is Union in SQL efficient?

UNION ALL is faster than UNION because plain UNION is expecting that within two joined datasets are duplicates which need to be removed. If you can ensure (by inner WHERE clauses) that there will be no duplicates, it's far better to use UNION ALL and let database engine optimize the inner selects.

Is UNION slow SQL?

The main reason for the union sql running slower is that a union causes mysqld to create an internal temporary table. It creates just a table for a UNION ALL and a table with an index (to remove duplicates) for a UNION DISTINCT. Hope this helps.

How do you improve UNION query performance?

Use UNION ALL instead of UNION whenever is possible That is why UNION ALL is faster. Because it does not remove duplicated values in the query. If there are few rows (let's say 1000 rows), there is almost no performance difference between UNION and UNION ALL. However, if there are more rows, you can see the difference.

Is UNION slower than JOIN?

Union will be faster, as it simply passes the first SELECT statement, and then parses the second SELECT statement and adds the results to the end of the output table.

1 Answers

UNION will eliminate duplicate rows, whether they come between the two result sets or, as in your case, within just one result set. Try using UNION ALL instead.

like image 107
Joe Stefanelli Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Joe Stefanelli