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Windows could not start the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) on Local Computer... (error code 3417)



For some reasons I moved this folder : (Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL) to another drive, then returned it to the same location, but sql server has stopped working, showing this error when trying to start it again:

Windows could not start the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 3417.

I tried many solutions discussed in different forums, but none of them work for me.

The folder is not compressed or encrypted.

My sql server version is 2012: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio      11.0.3128.0 Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools    11.0.3128.0 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.1.7601.17514 Microsoft MSXML             3.0 4.0 6.0  Microsoft Internet Explorer         9.0.8112.16421 Microsoft .NET Framework            4.0.30319.18047 Operating System                6.1.7601 

Thanks for your kind help in advance.

like image 365
Kardo Avatar asked Jun 24 '13 10:06


2 Answers

Very simple to solve this problem.

Just open RUN window(Window+R) and type services.msc:

Services.msc window

Find the SQL within name column and right click on that.

right click on SQL as in screenshot

enter image description here

You will get properties option, click on properties.

One new window will be open and there you have to click on Log On tab. And select the Local System Account. then apply and okay.

Select Local system Account

enter image description here

After that come again in services.msc window. and right click on sql and click start.

And finally, SQL Server services started successfully. enjoy and keep learning.

like image 161
Nandan Sony Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 23:09

Nandan Sony

Check if you did compress the driver or folder in where you put the .mdf file.

If so, plesae goto the driver or folder, change the compress option by

Properties -> Advanced and unticked the “Compress contents to save disk space” checkbox.

After above things, you should be able to start the service again.

like image 24
gino Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
