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Sql Query to get an array having no column name in json result

I have a table with following fields

 Id     RequestId     CategoryId
 1      112           1
 2      123           1
 3      123           2

SELECT      R.RequestId,
            (SELECT RC.CategoryId FROM Request RC WHERE RC.Id = R.Id FOR JSON AUTO) AS Categories
FROM        Request R

Above query returns the data as mentioned below

 RequestId     Categories
 112           [{"CategoryId":"1"}]
 123           [{"CategoryId":"1"},{"CategoryId":"2"}]

But, I want that column name CategoryId should not be repeated for every item in json array. Thus, my expected result is:

 RequestId     Categories
 112           ["1"]
 123           ["1","2"]
like image 650
M.S. Avatar asked Jul 24 '18 07:07


People also ask

How do I query a JSON column in SQL?

To query JSON data, you can use standard T-SQL. If you must create a query or report on JSON data, you can easily convert JSON data to rows and columns by calling the OPENJSON rowset function. For more information, see Convert JSON Data to Rows and Columns with OPENJSON (SQL Server).

How do you parse an array of JSON objects in SQL?

OPENJSON() function parses JSON in SQL Server In this context, the conversion of the JSON data into the relational format is becoming more important. OPENJSON is a table-valued function that helps to parse JSON in SQL Server and it returns the data values and types of the JSON text in a table format.

How do I get column names from a query in SQL?

USE db_name; DESCRIBE table_name; it'll give you column names with the type.

How can I get SQL data from JSON format?

Format query results as JSON, or export data from SQL Server as JSON, by adding the FOR JSON clause to a SELECT statement. Use the FOR JSON clause to simplify client applications by delegating the formatting of JSON output from the app to SQL Server.

1 Answers

Was used: SQL to JSON - array of objects to array of values in SQL 2016

create table Request (
  Id int,
  RequestId int,
  CategoryId int
insert into Request (Id,RequestId,CategoryId) values
( 1,      112,           1),
( 2,      123,           1),
( 3,      123,           2);
SELECT distinct R.RequestId,
  JSON_QUERY('[' + STUFF(( SELECT ',' + '"' + convert(varchar(10), RC.CategoryId) + '"' 
FROM Request RC
WHERE RC.RequestId = R.RequestId
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ']' ) Categories  
            ) AS Categories
FROM Request R
RequestId | Categories              
--------: | :-----------------------
      112 | {"Categories":["1"]}    
      123 | {"Categories":["1","2"]}
SELECT  distinct R.RequestId,

  JSON_QUERY('[' + STUFF(( SELECT ',' + '"' + convert(varchar(10), RC.CategoryId) + '"' 
FROM Request RC
WHERE RC.RequestId = R.RequestId
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ']' ) Categories  
, '$.Categories' )
FROM Request R
RequestId | (No column name)
--------: | :---------------
      112 | ["1"]           
      123 | ["1","2"]       

db<>fiddle here

like image 127
2SRTVF Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 12:10