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spring boot controllers not getting registered; getting 404

I am running spring-boot application in intellij and all of my scheduled tasks and everything is working fine but my controller which i have registered with @RestController and @RequestMapping are not getting registered. I am getting 404 when trying to access these while same is working fine when i am using eclipse. Even my ide console is showing rest controller as registered:

RequestMappingHandlerMapping  - Mapped "{[/api/{v1}/restaurant/{cloudSiteId}/staff/{staffId}],methods=[GET]}" onto private java.lang.Object com.limetray.inventory.controller.StaffLocationController.getStaffDetail

Not able to guess what might go wrong ?

like image 345
Rakesh Yadav Avatar asked Jun 17 '16 10:06

Rakesh Yadav

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1 Answers

If your controller is in a separate package from your Main class you can try adding a component scan to your main class pointing to the package you have your controllers in. Example:

@ComponentScan({ "x.y.z.myPackage1", "x.y.z.myPackage2" })
like image 92
Matthew Fontana Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Matthew Fontana