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Iterate over Arraylist<String[]> [duplicate]

I have an ArrayList full with String arrays that I can't figure out how to loop through. Iterators are new to me and even though I have used them in the past, I'm not sure what to do here.

Iterator<String[]> iterator = list.iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    String trip = "Till: " + iterator.next(0) + " | Från: " + list.get(4) + " | Kostar: " + list.get(1) +"kr | Avgår: " + list.get(2) + " | Ankomst Tid: " + list.get(3) + " | Antal bokningar: " + list.get(4);

This is some experimenting I am doing. I though that iterator.next() would return the StringArray on the current row so I have tried for example iterator.next(0). As I understand list.get(x) only gives me the row.

In the code above, I want every rows String Array at a certain index. Something like this:

for each row
 system.out.println(String[2] +String[5]);
like image 316
Essej Avatar asked May 11 '16 15:05


2 Answers

That is because you have a list of arrays, not a list of Strings.

List<String[]> list = //some data
for (String[] array : list){
    System.out.println(array[3] + ":" + array[5]);

If you want to iterate over each string you will have to iterate twice.

List<String[]> list = //some data
for (String[] array : list){
    for (String s : array){


The above is shorthand for using an iterator.

List<String[]> list = //some data
Iterator<String[]> itr = list.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()){
    String[] array = itr.next(); // You were just missing saving the value for reuse
    System.out.println(array[3] + ":" + array[5]);
like image 196
cyroxis Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 03:11


You can do this without having to worry about iterators in your code:

List<String[]> test = new ArrayList<>();
for(String[] array : test) {
    //Iterate over inner array:
    for(String s : array) {
    //or access directly
like image 28
StuPointerException Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 02:11
