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Spring - @Transactional - What happens in background?

I want to know what actually happens when you annotate a method with @Transactional? Of course, I know that Spring will wrap that method in a Transaction.

But, I have the following doubts:

  1. I heard that Spring creates a proxy class? Can someone explain this in more depth. What actually resides in that proxy class? What happens to the actual class? And how can I see Spring's created proxied class
  2. I also read in Spring docs that:

Note: Since this mechanism is based on proxies, only 'external' method calls coming in through the proxy will be intercepted. This means that 'self-invocation', i.e. a method within the target object calling some other method of the target object, won't lead to an actual transaction at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with @Transactional!

Source: http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.0.x/reference/transaction.html

Why only external method calls will be under Transaction and not the self-invocation methods?

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peakit Avatar asked Jul 08 '09 16:07


People also ask

How does Spring @transactional really work?

At a high level, Spring creates proxies for all the classes annotated with @Transactional, either on the class or on any of the methods. The proxy allows the framework to inject transactional logic before and after the running method, mainly for starting and committing the transaction.

What does @transactional do in hibernate?

Transactions means all or nothing. If there is an exception thrown somewhere in the method, changes are not persisted in the database. Something called rollback happens. If you don't specify @Transactional , each DB call will be in a different transaction.

Does Spring @transactional lock the database?

"@Transactional" as itself on any isolation level doesn't enabling any locking. To achieve locking behaviour you should use "@Lock" annotation or use " for update" in your query.

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You should use @Transactional at service layer, if you want to change the domain model for client B where you have to provide the same data in a different model,you can change the domain model without impacting the DAO layer by providing a different service or by creating a interface and implementing the interface in ...

2 Answers

This is a big topic. The Spring reference doc devotes multiple chapters to it. I recommend reading the ones on Aspect-Oriented Programming and Transactions, as Spring's declarative transaction support uses AOP at its foundation.

But at a very high level, Spring creates proxies for classes that declare @Transactional on the class itself or on members. The proxy is mostly invisible at runtime. It provides a way for Spring to inject behaviors before, after, or around method calls into the object being proxied. Transaction management is just one example of the behaviors that can be hooked in. Security checks are another. And you can provide your own, too, for things like logging. So when you annotate a method with @Transactional, Spring dynamically creates a proxy that implements the same interface(s) as the class you're annotating. And when clients make calls into your object, the calls are intercepted and the behaviors injected via the proxy mechanism.

Transactions in EJB work similarly, by the way.

As you observed, through, the proxy mechanism only works when calls come in from some external object. When you make an internal call within the object, you're really making a call through the this reference, which bypasses the proxy. There are ways of working around that problem, however. I explain one approach in this forum post in which I use a BeanFactoryPostProcessor to inject an instance of the proxy into "self-referencing" classes at runtime. I save this reference to a member variable called me. Then if I need to make internal calls that require a change in the transaction status of the thread, I direct the call through the proxy (e.g. me.someMethod().) The forum post explains in more detail.

Note that the BeanFactoryPostProcessor code would be a little different now, as it was written back in the Spring 1.x timeframe. But hopefully it gives you an idea. I have an updated version that I could probably make available.

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Rob H Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 19:11

Rob H

When Spring loads your bean definitions, and has been configured to look for @Transactional annotations, it will create these proxy objects around your actual bean. These proxy objects are instances of classes that are auto-generated at runtime. The default behaviour of these proxy objects when a method is invoked is just to invoke the same method on the "target" bean (i.e. your bean).

However, the proxies can also be supplied with interceptors, and when present these interceptors will be invoked by the proxy before it invokes your target bean's method. For target beans annotated with @Transactional, Spring will create a TransactionInterceptor, and pass it to the generated proxy object. So when you call the method from client code, you're calling the method on the proxy object, which first invokes the TransactionInterceptor (which begins a transaction), which in turn invokes the method on your target bean. When the invocation finishes, the TransactionInterceptor commits/rolls back the transaction. It's transparent to the client code.

As for the "external method" thing, if your bean invokes one of its own methods, then it will not be doing so via the proxy. Remember, Spring wraps your bean in the proxy, your bean has no knowledge of it. Only calls from "outside" your bean go through the proxy.

Does that help?

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skaffman Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 21:11
