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Sporadic problems in running a multi-threaded Java project in Win7

I am working on a project that is both memory and computationally intensive. A significant portion of the execution utilizes multi-threading by a FixedThreadPool. In short; I have 1 thread for fetching data from several remote locations (using URL connections) and populating a BlockingQueue with objects to be analyzed and n threads that pick these objects and run the analysis. edit: see code below

Now this setup works like a charm on my Linux machine running OpenSUSE 11.3, but a colleague is testing it on a very similar machine running Win7 is getting custom notifications of timeouts on the queue polling (see code below), lots of them actually. I have been trying to monitor the processor use on her machine, and it appears that the software does not get any more than 15% of the CPUs while on my machine the processor usage hits the roof, just as I intended.

My question is, then, can this be a sign of "starvation" of the queue? Could it be so that the producer thread is not getting enough cpu time? If so how do I go about giving one particular thread in the pool higher priority?

UPDATE: I have been trying to pinpoint the problem, with no joy... I did however gain some new insights.

  • Profiling the execution of the code with JVisualVM demonstrates a very peculiar behavior. The methods are called in short bursts of CPU-time with several seconds of no progress in between. This to me means that somehow the OS is hitting the brakes on the process.

  • Disabling the anti-virus and back-up daemons do not have any significant affect on the matter

  • Changing the priority of java.exe (the only instance) through task manager (adviced here) does not change anything either. (That being said, I could not give "realtime" priority to java, and had to be content with "high" prio)

  • Profiling the network usage shows good flow of data in and out, so I am guessing that is not the bottleneck (while it is a considerable part of the execution time of the process, but that I know already and is pretty much the same percentage as what I get on my Linux machine).

Any ideas as to how the Win7 OS might be limiting the cpu time to my project? if it's not the OS, what could be the limiting factor? I would like to stress yet again that the machine is NOT running any other computation intensive at the same time and there is almost no load on the cpus other than my software. This is driving me crazy...

EDIT: relevant code

public ConcurrencyService(Dataset d, QueryService qserv, Set<MyObject> s){

    timeout = 3;
    this.qs = qserv;
    this.bq = qs.getQueue();
    this.ds = d;
    this.analyzedObjects = s;
    this.drc = DebugRoutineContainer.getInstance();
    this.started = false;

    int nbrOfProcs = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
    poolSize = nbrOfProcs;
    pool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize);
    drc.setScoreLogStream(new PrintStream(qs.getScoreLogFile()));

public void serve() throws InterruptedException {
    try {
        this.started = true;
        pool.execute(new QueryingAction(qs));
            MyObject p = bq.poll(timeout, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

            if(p != null){
                if (p.getId().equals("0"))

                pool.submit(new AnalysisAction(ds, p, analyzedObjects, qs.getKnownAssocs()));
                drc.log("Timed out while waiting for an object...");


      } catch (Exception ex) {
            String exit_msg = "Unexpected error in core analysis, terminating execution!";

            drc.log("--DEBUG: Termination criteria found, shutdown initiated..");
            drc.getMemoryInfo(true);    // dump meminfo to log


            int mins = 2;
            int nCores = poolSize;
            long    totalTasks = pool.getTaskCount(), 
                    compTasks = pool.getCompletedTaskCount(),
                    tasksRemaining = totalTasks - compTasks,
                    timeout = mins * tasksRemaining / nCores;

            drc.log("--DEBUG: Shutdown commenced, thread pool will terminate once all objects are processed, " +
                        "or will timeout in : " + timeout + " minutes... \n" + compTasks + " of " +  (totalTasks -1) + 
                        " objects have been analyzed so far, " + "mean process time is: " +
                        drc.getMeanProcTimeAsString() + " milliseconds.");

            pool.awaitTermination(timeout, TimeUnit.MINUTES);


The class QueryingAction is a simple Runnable that calls the data acquisition method in the designated QueryService object which then populates a BlockingQueue. The AnalysisAction class does all the number-crunching for a single instance of MyObject.

like image 833
posdef Avatar asked Dec 19 '11 10:12


3 Answers

I suspect the producer thread is not getting/loading the source data fast enough. This might not be a lack of CPU but an IO related issue. (not sure why you have time outs on your BlockingQueue)

It might be worth having a thread which periodically logs things like the number of tasks added and the length of the queue (e.g. every 5-15 seconds)

like image 81
Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10

Peter Lawrey

So, if I correctly understand your problem, you have one thread to fetch data, and several threads to analyse the fetched data. Your problem is that the threads are not correctly synchronized to run together and take full advantage of the processor.

You have a tipical producer-consumer problem with a single producer and several consumers. I advise you to remake your code a bit to have, instead, several independent consumer threads that are always waiting for resources to be available and only then running. This way you guarantee the maximum processor use.

Consumer thread:

while (!terminate)
    synchronized (Producer.getLockObject())
            //sleep (no processing at all)
        catch (Exceptions..)

    MyObject p = Producer.getObjectFromQueue(); //this function should be synchronized

    //Analyse fetched data, and submit it to somewhere...   

Producer thread:

while (!terminate)
    MyObject newData = fetchData(); //fetch data from remote location

    addDataToQueueu(newData); //this should also be synchronized

    synchronized (getLockObject())
        //wake up one thread to deal with the data

You see that this way, your threads are always performing useful work or sleeping. This is just draft code to exemplify. See more explanation here: http://www.javamex.com/tutorials/wait_notify_how_to.shtml and here: http://www.java-samples.com/showtutorial.php?tutorialid=306

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Anoyz Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10


Priority won't help, since the problem is not an issue of deciding who gets precious resources -- resource usage isn't maxed. The only way the producer thread would not be getting enough CPU time is if it wasn't ready-to-run. Priority won't help, since the problem is not an issue.

How many cores does the machine have? It's possible that the producer thread is running full speed and there still just isn't enough CPU to go around. It's also possible the producer is I/O bound.

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David Schwartz Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10

David Schwartz