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Scripting Eclipse

I'm wondering if it's possible to script certain actions of Eclipse itself. I'd like to be able to start a server, stop it, etc. Is this possible and if so, how?

Edit: I'd like to be able to do this so I can run certain server commands just through an SSH connection, no physical interaction required. Thanks.

like image 752
Sam Youtsey Avatar asked Aug 05 '11 23:08

Sam Youtsey

1 Answers

Note that Martin OBERHUBER announced in his blog (April 2012):

I've started a new initiative to get scripting support back home to Eclipse.org and unify the fragmented landscape a bit.

  • a mailing list dedicated to scripting in Eclipse: eclipse-scripting-dev
  • an "Eclipse Scripting BoF session at EclipseCon 2012" page lists the first initiatives.


  • 10 years after bug 8519 (keystroke macros recording and playing capability),
  • 9 years after bug 37680 (Add Eclipse automation),
  • 6 years after bug 158716 ([Workbench] Pull Scripting support into platform),

..., that topic might finally evolve.

like image 75
VonC Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
