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Splitting a tuple into multiple tuples in Pig

I like to generate multiple tuples from a single tuple. What I mean is: I have file with following data in it.

>> cat data
ID | ColumnName1:Value1 | ColumnName2:Value2

so I load it by the following command

grunt >> A = load '$data' using PigStorage('|');    
grunt >> dump A;    

Now I want to split this tuple into two tuples.

(ID, ColumnName1, Value1)
(ID, ColumnName2, Value2)

Can I use UDF along with foreach and generate. Some thing like the following?

grunt >> foreach A generate SOMEUDF(A)


input tuple : (id1,column1,column2) output : two tuples (id1,column1) and (id2,column2) so it is List or should I return a Bag?

public class SPLITTUPPLE extends EvalFunc <List<Tuple>>
    public List<Tuple> exec(Tuple input) throws IOException {
        if (input == null || input.size() == 0)
            return null;
            // not sure how whether I can create tuples on my own. Looks like I should use TupleFactory.
            // return list of tuples.
        }catch(Exception e){
            throw WrappedIOException.wrap("Caught exception processing input row ", e);

Is this approach correct?

like image 416
FourOfAKind Avatar asked Jul 02 '12 03:07


1 Answers

You could write a UDF or use a PIG script with built-in functions.

For example:

-- data should be chararray, PigStorage('|') return bytearray which will not work for this example
inpt = load '/pig_fun/input/single_tuple_to_multiple.txt' as (line:chararray);

-- split by | and create a row so we can dereference it later
splt = foreach inpt generate FLATTEN(STRSPLIT($0, '\\|')) ;

-- first column is id, rest is converted into a bag and flatten it to make rows
id_vals = foreach splt generate $0 as id, FLATTEN(TOBAG(*)) as value;
-- there will be records with (id, id), but id should not have ':'
id_vals = foreach id_vals generate id, INDEXOF(value, ':') as p, STRSPLIT(value, ':', 2) as vals;
final = foreach (filter id_vals by p != -1) generate id, FLATTEN(vals) as (col, val);
dump final;





I hope it helps.


like image 193
alexeipab Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10
