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Split string at given positions



How do i nicely/idiomatically split a string at a list of positions?

What I have:

.say for split-at( "0019ABX26002", (3, 4, 8) ); 

sub split-at( $s, @positions )
  my $done = 0;

    for @positions -> $p
      take $s.substr($done, $p - $done );
      $done = $p;
    take $s.substr( $done, * );

which is reasonable. I am puzzled by the lack of language support for this though. If "split on" is a thing, why isn't "split at" too? I think this should be a core operation. I should be able to write

.say for "0019ABX26002".split( :at(3, 4, 8) );

Or maybe I am overlooking something?

Edit: A little Benchmark of what we have so far

|            | Rate    | array-push | holli  | raiph | simon |
| array-push | 15907/s | --         | -59%   | -100% | -91%  |
| holli      | 9858/s  | 142%       | --     | -100% | -79%  |
| raiph      | 72.8/s  | 50185%     | 20720% | --    | 4335% |
| simon      | 2901/s  | 1034%      | 369%   | -98%  | --    |


use Bench;

my $s = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddefggggggggggggggggggg";
my @p = 29, 65, 69, 105, 106, 107;

Bench.new.cmpthese(1000, {
  holli  => sub { my @ = holli($s, @p); },
  simon => sub { my @ = simon($s, @p); },
  raiph => sub { my @ = raiph($s, @p); },
  array-push => sub { my @ = array-push($s, @p); },

#say user($s, @p);

sub simon($str, *@idxs ) {
    my @rotors = @idxs.map( { state $l = 0; my $o = $_ - $l; $l = $_; $o } );
    $str.comb("").rotor( |@rotors,* ).map(*.join(""));

sub raiph($s, @p) {
    $s.split( / <?{$/.pos == any(@p)}> / )

sub holli( $s, @positions )
  my $done = 0;

    for @positions -> $p
      take $s.substr($done, $p - $done );
      $done = $p;
    take $s.substr( $done, * );

sub array-push( $s, @positions )
  my $done = 0;
  my @result;

  for @positions -> $p
    @result.push: $s.substr($done, $p - $done );
    $done = $p;
  @result.push: $s.substr( $done, * );

like image 752
Holli Avatar asked Jan 22 '20 17:01


People also ask

How do I split a string in a specific position?

To split a string at a specific index, use the slice method to get the two parts of the string, e.g. str. slice(0, index) returns the part of the string up to, but not including the provided index, and str. slice(index) returns the remainder of the string.

How do you split a string at a specific position in Python?

Python String split() Method Syntax separator : This is a delimiter. The string splits at this specified separator. If is not provided then any white space is a separator. maxsplit : It is a number, which tells us to split the string into maximum of provided number of times.

2 Answers

Personally I'd split it into a list, use rotor to divide the list up and join the result :


If you want a split at function (using the indexes given) :

sub split-at( $str, *@idxs ) { 
    my @rotors = @idxs.map( { state $l = 0; my $o = $_ - $l; $l = $_; $o } );
    $str.comb("").rotor( |@rotors,* ).map(*.join("")); 

Basically if I want to do list type stuff I use a list.

I came up with another version that I really like from a functional programming sense :

sub split-at( $str, *@idxs ) {
    (|@idxs, $str.codes)
    ==> map( { state $s = 0;my $e = $_ - $s;my $o = [$s,$e]; $s = $_; $o } )
    ==> map( { $str.substr(|$_) } );

It works out to be slightly slower than the other one.

like image 147
Scimon Proctor Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 05:12

Scimon Proctor

One way:

.say for "0019ABX26002" .split: / <?{ $/.pos ∈ (3,4,8) }> /


like image 26
raiph Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 06:12
