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Specifying project name in msdeploy

I've got two web projects in one solution, and I'd like to deploy them both using msbuild and WebDeploy (this happens through a CI server).

Currently, I'm running a command line:

C:\ProjectFolder>msbuild <solution>.sln

This deploys one project, as expected. But how can I deploy the other as well? There's nowhere in this command line where I specified a project name - why did it choose one project to deploy over the other?

Ideally, I'd be able to deploy two project with the same command, something like



But I doubt that's possible. Alternatively, I just want to know how to specify a project name in the command line.

like image 653
configurator Avatar asked Feb 21 '11 21:02


People also ask

What is SetParameters XML?

SetParameters. xml file. This provides a set of parameter values to the MSDeploy.exe command. You can update the values in this file and pass it to Web Deploy as a command-line parameter when you deploy your web package.

What does Deployonbuild do?

Deploy should mean take all of my artifacts and either copy them to a server, or execute them on a server. It should truly be a simple process. Build means, process all of my code/artifacts and prepare them for deployment. Meaning compile, generate code, package, etc.

Where to find MSDeploy exe?

Go to C:\Windows\System32 and right click on CMD. EXE. Choose “Run as Administrator”. Once the command prompt is up, you will navigate to the folder level where MSDeploy.exe exists.

1 Answers

I think it would be better to divide the single call to three:
- Build sln;
- Deploy site1;
- Deploy site2;

msbuild.exe <solution>.sln

msbuild.exe project1dir\proj1.csproj
    /p:OutputPath=<Path to common bin>

msbuild.exe project1dir\proj2.csproj
    /p:OutputPath=<Path to common bin>
like image 105
Sergio Rykov Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

Sergio Rykov