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Spark - How many Executors and Cores are allocated to my spark job

Spark architecture is entirely revolves around the concept of executors and cores. I would like to see practically how many executors and cores running for my spark application running in a cluster.

I was trying to use below snippet in my application but no luck.

val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("ExecutorTestJob")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

Is there any way to get those values using SparkContext Object or SparkConf object etc..

like image 446
Krishna Reddy Avatar asked Aug 26 '16 08:08

Krishna Reddy

1 Answers

Scala (Programmatic way) :

getExecutorStorageStatus and getExecutorMemoryStatus both return the number of executors including driver. like below example snippet.

/** Method that just returns the current active/registered executors
        * excluding the driver.
        * @param sc The spark context to retrieve registered executors.
        * @return a list of executors each in the form of host:port.
       def currentActiveExecutors(sc: SparkContext): Seq[String] = {
         val allExecutors = sc.getExecutorMemoryStatus.map(_._1)
         val driverHost: String = sc.getConf.get("spark.driver.host")
         allExecutors.filter(! _.split(":")(0).equals(driverHost)).toList

sc.getConf.getInt("spark.executor.instances", 1)

similarly get all properties and print like below you may get cores information as well..




Mostly spark.executor.cores for executors spark.driver.cores driver should have this value.

Python :

Above methods getExecutorStorageStatus and getExecutorMemoryStatus, In python api were not implemented

EDIT But can be accessed using Py4J bindings exposed from SparkSession.


like image 143
Ram Ghadiyaram Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10

Ram Ghadiyaram