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Sort a list of hungarian strings in the hungarian alphabetical order

I am working at the moment with some data in hungarians. I have to sort a list of hungarians strings.

According to this Collation Sequence page

Hungarian alphabetic order is: A=Á, B, C, CS, D, DZ, DZS, E=É, F, G, GY, H, I=Í, J, K, L, LY, M, N, NY, O=Ó, Ö=Ő, P, Q, R, S, SZ, T, TY, U=Ú, Ü=Ű, V, W, X, Y, Z, ZS

So vowels are treated the same (A=Á, ...) so in the result you can have some like that using Collator :


Up to here, no problem :)

But now, I have the requirement to sort according to the Hungarian alphabet

A Á B C Cs D Dz Dzs E É F G Gy H I Í J K L Ly M N Ny O Ó Ö Ő P (Q) R S Sz T Ty U Ú Ü Ű V (W) (X) (Y) Z Zs

A is considered different than Á

Playing with the Strength from Collator doesnt change the order in the output. A and Á are still mixed up.

Is there any librairies/tricks to sort a list of string according to the hungarian alphabetical order?

So far what I am doing is :

  • Sort with Collator so that the C/Cs, D,DZ, DZS... are sorted correctly
  • Sort again by comparing the first characters of each word based on a map

This looks too much hassle for the task no?

List<String> words = Arrays.asList(
        "Árfolyam", "Az",
        "Zsfgsdgsdfg", "Qdfasfas"


final Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();



      final Collator c = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("hu"));
      Collections.sort(words, c);

      Collections.sort(words, new Comparator<String>(){
          public int compare(String s1, String s2) {

              int f = c.compare(s1,s2);
              if (f == 0) return 0;

              String a = Character.toString(s1.charAt(0));
              String b = Character.toString(s2.charAt(0));

              if (map.get(a) != null && map.get(b) != null) {
                  if (map.get(a) < map.get(b)) {
                      return -1;
                  else if (map.get(a) == map.get(b)) {
                      return 0;
                  else {
                      return 1;

              return 0;

Thanks for your input

like image 712
ccheneson Avatar asked Sep 21 '11 15:09


1 Answers

By stream you can sort like below:

public List<String> sortBy(List<String> sortable) {

  Collator coll = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("hu","HU"));

  return sortable.stream()
                 .sorted(Comparator.comparing(s -> s, coll))
like image 138
Greg Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09
