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SLF4J vs. Jboss Logging

I've noticed that many of the redhat/jboss frameworks have started migrating to jboss-logging where they've previously used SLF4J, for example hibernate 4.0. Jboss-logging can delegate to SLF4J

What are the advantages of using jboss-logging over e.g. SLF4J with Logback?

like image 629
Brae Avatar asked Aug 30 '11 20:08


1 Answers

Technically, none. I suspect the move is mostly a political one.

JBossLlogging is itself just an API much like SLF4J, and therefore just delegates to an actual logging implementation. By using their own abstraction, the insulate themselves from changes to the SLF4J API (which has already shown itself to be non-backwards-compatible across versions).

Whether or not this is a good idea is debatable.

like image 114
skaffman Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
