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SonarQube: How many hours in a day of technical debt?



If SonarQube says I have 1 day of technical debt in a project, does that translate to 24 hours of technical debt or 8 hours of technical debt?

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Nathan Avatar asked Jan 14 '17 17:01


People also ask

How is technical debt calculated in SonarQube?

Most issues in SonarQube have a remediation cost attached (estimated time to fix an issue). This could be 1m, 5m, 30m, etc… The sum of all these remediation costs for Code Smells (maintainability issues) for a project is the technical debt.

How much technical debt is acceptable?

For our environment, we define any tech debt from 0 to 0.4 as acceptable, anything between 0.5 and 0.7 as concerning, and anything above 0.7 as critical.

How do you calculate tech debt?

Organizations can track technical debt issues in the same way they track and remediate software defects: Use a ticket or tracking system. This approach lists and prioritizes technical debt issues along with defects, effectively keeping technical debt issues on the same page as software defects or problems.

How does SonarQube help manage technical debt?

SonarQube comes with three technical debt widgets in-built, each limiting the amount of technical information the report shows on the screen (this is helpful since we can pick and choose which level of technical information to report across multiple levels of a team).

1 Answers

The translation from hours into days is customisable. By default it's 8 hours, but you can find out your setting by going to Administration > Configuration > Technical Debt.

Screenshot of an example, from my project, below:

tech debt configuration

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phss Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
