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Solving a simultaneous equation through code

This seems like an incredibly simple and silly question to ask, but everything I've found about it has been too complex for me to understand.

I have these two very basic simultaneous equations:

X = 2x + 2z
Y = z - x

Given that I know both X and Y, how would I go about finding x and z? It's very easy to do it by hand, but I have no idea how this would be done in code.

like image 449
Nicolas Avatar asked Jul 23 '12 08:07


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How do you do simultaneous equations in Python?

import sympy as sym x,y = sym. symbols('x,y') eq1 = sym. Eq(x+y,5) eq2 = sym. Eq(x**2+y**2,17) result = sym.

What are the 3 ways to solve simultaneous equations?

If you have two different equations with the same two unknowns in each, you can solve for both unknowns. There are three common methods for solving: addition/subtraction, substitution, and graphing.

1 Answers

This seems like an incredibly simple and silly question to ask

Not at all. This is a very good question, and it has unfortunately a complex answer. Let's solve

a * x + b * y = u
c * x + d * y = v

I stick to the 2x2 case here. More complex cases will require you to use a library.

The first thing to note is that Cramer formulas are not good to use. When you compute the determinant

a * d - b * c

as soon as you have a * d ~ b * c, then you have catastrophic cancellation. This case is typical, and you must guard against it.

The best tradeoff between simplicity / stability is partial pivoting. Suppose that |a| > |c|. Then the system is equivalent to

a * c/a * x + bc/a * y = uc/a
      c * x +    d * y = v 

which is

cx + bc/a * y = uc/a
cx +       dy = v  

and now, substracting the first to the second yields

cx +       bc/a * y = uc/a
     (d - bc/a) * y = v - uc/a

which is now straightforward to solve: y = (v - uc/a) / (d - bc/a) and x = (uc/a - bc/a * y) / c. Computing d - bc/a is stabler than ad - bc, because we divide by the biggest number (it is not very obvious, but it holds -- do the computation with very close coefficients, you'll see why it works).

Now, if |c| > |a|, you just swap the rows and proceed similarly.

In code (please check the Python syntax):

def solve(a, b, c, d, u, v):
    if abs(a) > abs(c):
         f = u * c / a
         g = b * c / a
         y = (v - f) / (d - g)
         return ((f - g * y) / c, y)
         f = v * a / c
         g = d * a / c
         x = (u - f) / (b - g)
         return (x, (f - g * x) / a)

You can use full pivoting (requires you to swap x and y so that the first division is always by the largest coefficient), but this is more cumbersome to write, and almost never required for the 2x2 case.

For the n x n case, all the pivoting stuff is encapsulated into the LU decomposition, and you should use a library for this.

like image 78
Alexandre C. Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10

Alexandre C.