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Solve large number of small equation systems in numpy

I have a large number of small linear equation systems that I'd like to solve efficiently using numpy. Basically, given A[:,:,:] and b[:,:], I wish to find x[:,:] given by A[i,:,:].dot(x[i,:]) = b[i,:]. So if I didn't care about speed, I could solve this as

for i in range(n):
    x[i,:] = np.linalg.solve(A[i,:,:],b[i,:])

But since this involved explicit looping in python, and since A typically has a shape like (1000000,3,3), such a solution would be quite slow. If numpy isn't up to this, I could do this loop in fortran (i.e. using f2py), but I'd prefer to stay in python if possible.

like image 887
amaurea Avatar asked Nov 17 '12 15:11


2 Answers

For those coming back to read this question now, I thought I'd save others time and mention that numpy handles this using broadcasting now.

So, in numpy 1.8.0 and higher, the following can be used to solve N linear equations.

x = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
like image 60
HaberdashPI Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09


I guess answering yourself is a bit of a faux pas, but this is the fortran solution I have a the moment, i.e. what the other solutions are effectively competing against, both in speed and brevity.

function pixsolve(A, b) result(x)
    implicit none
    real*8    :: A(:,:,:), b(:,:), x(size(b,1),size(b,2))
    integer*4 :: i, n, m, piv(size(b,1)), err
    n = size(A,3); m = size(A,1)
    x = b
    do i = 1, n
        call dgesv(m, 1, A(:,:,i), m, piv, x(:,i), m, err)
    end do
end function

This would be compiled as:

f2py -c -m foo{,.f90} -llapack -lblas

And called from python as

x = foo.pixsolve(A.T, b.T).T

(The .Ts are needed due to a poor design choice in f2py, which both causes unnecessary copying, inefficient memory access patterns and unnatural looking fortran indexing if the .Ts are left out.)

This also avoids a setup.py etc. I have no bone to pick with fortran (as long as strings aren't involved), but I was hoping that numpy might have something short and elegant which could do the same thing.

like image 33
amaurea Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
