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Solr search query over multiple fields



Is it possible to search in Solr over two fields using two different words and get back only those results which contain both of them?

For example, if I have fields "type" and "location" , I want only those results who have type='furniture' and location = 'office' in them.

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jay Avatar asked Nov 11 '11 05:11


2 Answers

You can use boolean operators and search on individual fields.

q=type:furniture AND location:office 

If the values are fixed, it is better to use Filter Queries for Performance.

fq=type:furniture AND location:office 
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Jayendra Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09


The suggested solutions have the drawback, that you have to care about escaping special characters. If the user searches for "type:d'or AND location:coffee break" the query will fail.

I suggest to combine two edismax handlers:

 <requestHandler name="/combine" class="solr.SearchHandler" default="false">      <lst name="invariants">        <str name="q">         (_query_:"{!edismax qf='type' v=$uq1}"    AND _query_:"{!edismax qf='location' v=$uq2}")        </str>      </lst>   </requestHandler> 

Call the request handler like this:



  • The variables $uq1 and $uq2 will be replaced by the request parameters uq1 and uq2 will.
  • The result of the first edismax query (uq1) is combined by logical AND with the second edismax query (uq2)

Solr Docs


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Matthias M Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Matthias M