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Is Solr available for .Net?





I want to learn Solr. May I know some good tutorial/links for it?

Also, is Solr available for .NET?

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Ed. Avatar asked Nov 17 '09 14:11


People also ask

What is Solr net?

SolrNet is an Apache Solr and SolrCloud client for .NET Downloads Solr SolrCloud Documentation index Contributing Release notes.

Who uses Solr?

MTV uses Solr to power search on a number of its websites. NASA is using Solr as the Enterprise Search component in its NEBULA cloud computing platform. Netflix uses Solr for their site search feature. Panasonic Europe uses Solr to power the search and faceted navigation on it's sites for 30 countries.

What is the difference between Solr and Lucene?

Lucene is a full-text search engine library, whereas Solr is a full-text search engine web application built on Lucene. One way to think about Lucene and Solr is as a car and its engine. The engine is Lucene; the car is Solr. A wide array of companies (Ford, Salesforce, etc.)

What is the Solr database for?

Solr is an open-source search platform which is used to build search applications. It was built on top of Lucene (full text search engine). Solr is enterprise-ready, fast and highly scalable. The applications built using Solr are sophisticated and deliver high performance.

2 Answers

If you mean running the Solr server on .Net instead of Java, then no, there is no port. I've been trying to run it with IKVM here but it's low-priority to me so I can't put much time on it. It'd be great if someone can help out with this.

If you mean using/connecting to Solr from a .Net application, then yes, you can use SolrNet or SolrSharp for that.

I blogged about this not long ago.

UPDATE: I made significant progress with Solr + IKVM.

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Mauricio Scheffer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Mauricio Scheffer

Jeff Rodenburg created a C# API for interoperation with Solr. The API supports:

Adding, updating and deleting documents from a solr index. Configuration support for multiple solr instances. Flags for Read/Write modes in support of solr replication. Search queries that return strongly-typed objects Support for facets

and more ... http://www.codeplex.com/solrsharp

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Michael Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
