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solr - execute multiple queries in one request




Is there a way to execute multiple queries in a single solr request and get the union of results as response

my simplified schema would look like a name field and a type field(4-5 different types) and I want 10 results per type value. can this be done in solr?

like image 750
Gunjan Avatar asked Dec 08 '10 13:12


2 Answers

Currently not possible, Look at this request, possibly when this fix is in place


like image 56
Santthosh Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 07:10


I think this can be done w/ Field Collapsing


Their example is similar except instead of types they are splitting the price into ranges:

We can find the top documents that also match arbitrary queries with the group.query command (much like facet.query). For example, we could use this to find the top 3 documents with in different price ranges:


In your case group.limit=10.

like image 29
Bob B Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10

Bob B