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Socket.IO can't connect through https

I have a node.js app, that uses socket.IO. It works fine on http, but when trying to connect to the socket through https - nothing happens.
Here's some part of the code:

var fs = require('fs');  

var ioHttp = require('socket.io').listen(8899, {  
    'flash policy port': -1  


var ioHttps = require('socket.io').listen(8895, {  
    key: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/file/file.key'),  
    cert: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/file/file.crt'),  
    ca: [  
    'flash policy port': -1   


and the initSocket function:

function initSocket(io) {  
    io.enable('browser client minification');  
    io.enable('browser client etag');  
    io.enable('browser client gzip');  

    io.set('transports', [  

    io.sockets.on('connection', function (client) {
        //the connnection is handled here

The client connect like this:

var secureConnection = false;  
var port = 8899;
if (window.location.protocol === 'https:') {  
    port = 8895;
    secureConnection = true;

var socket = io.connect('domain.org', {port: port, secure: secureConnection});

As I said everything works fine on http, but connecting on https gives me "The connection was interrupted". What am I doing wrong?

like image 541
undefined Avatar asked Mar 16 '13 12:03


People also ask

Does Socket.IO need HTTP?

Websocket is created when you make upgrade from http to websocket, so it kind of does need http. socket.io isn't a pure Websocket server/implementation, it depends on HTTP for its initial connection setup.

Why is WebSocket not connecting?

Problem: the socket is not able to connect​ You are trying to reach a plain WebSocket server. The server is not reachable. The client is not compatible with the version of the server. The server does not send the necessary CORS headers.

1 Answers

You cannot initalize socket.io server like https server. You have to start a separate https server and then attach socket.io server to it.

var https = require('https'),     
    fs =    require('fs');        

var options = {
    key:    fs.readFileSync('ssl/server.key'),
    cert:   fs.readFileSync('ssl/server.crt'),
    ca:     fs.readFileSync('ssl/ca.crt')
var app = https.createServer(options);
io = require('socket.io').listen(app);     //socket.io server listens to https connections
app.listen(8895, "");
like image 156
user568109 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10
