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socket: Too many open files (24) apache bench lighttpd

When I start Apache Bench test:

ab -n 10000 -c 1300 http://domain.com/test.php

I get error:

socket: Too many open files (24)

When i change to '-c 1000' it works fine.

Because I can have more than 1000 concurrent users I would like to fix socket too many open files problem or increase parameter. How to do this and where?

I use lighttpd on centos 5.

like image 266
Tom Smykowski Avatar asked Oct 01 '09 15:10

Tom Smykowski

1 Answers

ulimit -n 10000 

That might not work depending on you system configuration Consult this to configure your system.

like image 178
catwalk Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10
