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Using PHP/Apache to restrict access to static files (html, css, img, etc)

Lets say you have lots of html, css, js, img and etc files within a directory on your server. Normally, any user in internet-land could access those files by simply typing in the full URL like so: http://example.com/static-files/sub/index.html

Now, what if you only want authorized users to be able to load those files? For this example, lets say your users log in first from a URL like this: http://example.com/login.php

How would you allow the logged in user to view the index.html file (or any of the files under "static-files"), but restrict the file to everyone else?

I have come up with two possible solutions thus far:

Solution 1
Create the following .htaccess file under "static-files":

Options +FollowSymLinks  
RewriteEngine on  
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ../authorize.php?file=$1 [NC]

And then in authorize.php...

if (isLoggedInUser()) readfile('static-files/'.$_REQUEST['file']);
else echo 'denied';

This authorize.php file is grossly over simplified, but you get the idea.

Solution 2
Create the following .htaccess file under "static-files":

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

And then my login page could append that .htaccess file with an IP for each user that logs in. Obviously this would also need to have some kind of cleanup routine to purge out old or no longer used IPs.

I worry that my first solution could get pretty expensive on the server as the number of users and files they are accessing increases. I think my second solution would be much less expensive, but is also less secure due to IP spoofing and etc. I also worry that writing these IP addresses to the htaccess file could become a bottleneck of the application if there are many simultaneous users.

Which of these solutions sounds better, and why? Alternatively, can you think of a completely different solution that would be better than either of these?

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Bart Avatar asked Feb 02 '10 19:02


3 Answers

I would consider using a PHP loader to handle authentication and then return the files you need. For example instead of doing <img src='picture.jpg' /> Do something like <img src='load_image.php?image=picture.jpg' />.

Your image loader can verify sessions, check credentials, etc. and then decide whether or not to return the requested file to the browser. This will allow you to store all of your secure files outside of the web accessible root so nobody is going to just WGET them or browse there 'accidentally'.

Just remember to return the right headers in PHP and do something like readfile() in php and that will return the file contents to the browser.

I have used this very setup on several large scale secure website and it works like a charm.

Edit: The system I am currently building uses this method to load Javascript, Images, and Video but CSS we aren't very worried with securing.

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Shane Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 10:11



There's a module for Apache (and other HTTP servers) which lets you tell the HTTP server to serve the file you specify in a header in your php code: So your php script should look like:

// 1) Check access rights code
// 2) If OK, tell Apache to serve the file
header("X-Sendfile: $filename");

2 possible problems:

  1. You need access to rewrite rules (.htaccess enabled or direct access to config files)
  2. You need mod_xsendfile module added to your Apache installed

Here's a good answer in another thread: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3731639/2088061

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DenisS Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 11:11


I have been thinking a lot about the same issue. I am equally unhappy with the PHP engine running for every small resource that is served out. I asked a question in the same vein a few months ago here, though with a different focus.

But I just had an awfully interesting idea that might work.

  • Maintain a directory called /sessions somewhere on your web server.

  • Whenever a user logs in, create an empty text file with the session ID in /sessions. E.g. 123456

  • In your PHP app, serve out images like this: /sessions/123456/images/test.jpg

  • In your htaccess file, have two redirect commands.

  • One that translates /sessions/123456/images/test.jpg into /sessions/123456?filename=images/test.jpg

  • A second one that catches any calls to //sessions/(.*) and checks whether the specified file exists using the -f flag. If /sessions/123456 doesn't exist, it means the user has logged out or their session has expired. In that case, Apache sends a 403 or redirects to an error page - the resource is no longer available.

That way, we have quasi-session authentication in mod_rewrite doing just one "file exists" check!

I don't have enough routine to build the mod_rewrite statements on the fly, but they should be easy enough to write. (I'm looking hopefully in your direction @Gumbo :)

Notes and caveats:

  • Expired session files would have to be deleted quickly using a cron job, unless it's possible to check for a file's mtime in .htaccess (which may well be possible).

  • The image / resource is available to any client as long as the session exists, so no 100% protection. You could maybe work around this by adding the client IP into the equation (= the file name you create) and do an additional check for %{REMOTE_ADDR}. This is advanced .htaccess mastery but I'm quite sure it's doable.

  • Resource URLs are not static, and have to be retrieved every time on log-in, so no caching.

I'm very interested in feedback on this, any shortfalls or impossibilities I may have overlooked, and any successful implementations (I don't have the time right now to set up a test myself).

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Pekka Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 09:11
