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SoapUI window freeze



Currently using SoapUI 5.2.1 and am experiencing random UI window freeze. This abnormality often occurs right after invoking a rest service. The said rest service(s) from previous and fresh boot invoke runs smooth, but after series of invoke(s) the whole SoapUI window freezes.

Any hints regarding this?

like image 816
David B Avatar asked Apr 04 '16 12:04

David B

1 Answers

If you're sending a lot of requests via e.g. groovy, you'll want to discard the response on the request (this prevents out of memory problems which freezes soapui)

enter image description here

Note: You have to close the response window. If the response window is still open, you'll still see a response.

For more memory related settings see: https://www.soapui.org/getting-started/working-with-soapui/improving-memory-usage.html

like image 155
manyways Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09
