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Can SoapUI Project Files be Split?



Is it possible to split a SoapUI project XML file into many smaller files?

I can see the XML file being a contention point in code versioning, and result in many merge conflicts. It'd make more sense to have the project split into many smaller files so that changes are more isolated; but then we may end up with shared config being replicated between them.

Is the a commonly-adopted solution to this problem? I've never used SoapUI (someone on my team uses it) so I'm likely ignorant of SoapUI best practice.

like image 437
EngineerBetter_DJ Avatar asked Aug 29 '13 10:08


People also ask

Where are SoapUI projects stored?

The soapUI project XML file is the main component of the Test Framework. This is a reference file that is used while executing test cases. The default location of a sample test automation project XML file is $MQ_HOME\test\TestAutomation\FrameworkFiles\config\CIM-Test-Automation-soapui-project. xml.

2 Answers

To address this portion of the question:

I can see the XML file being a contention point in code versioning, and result in many merge conflicts.

It may help to have SoapUI format the project file in a more VCS friendly way by pretty printing the project file. Try Preferences -> WSDL Settings -> Pretty Print Project Files

See also Formatting a SoapUI Project File

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John Cummings Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 07:12

John Cummings

May be "composite project" option fits your requirements: http://www.soapui.org/Working-with-Projects/team-testing-support.html

This option is only available in soapUI Pro.

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ITemius Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 09:12
