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How do I import SoapUI project in Postman?




Can anyone help me in importing the SoapUI project in postman?

I have imported wsdls in SoapUI. So I need a way to get the wsdls from SoapUi to postman or if there is a way to use wsdl files in postman directly it will help too.

Thanks in advance.

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RV_Dev Avatar asked Jun 29 '16 14:06


1 Answers

Those two tools do not have a common format they can export to. The only common format between them is Swagger, which either of them can import. However, neither of them is able to export into this format.

Further, Postman is made with REST services in mind. As such, it cannot do anything with a WSDL. If you definitely must use Postman to test SOAP services, you will have to map all your calls as a POST call, unfortunately, all manually.


I did little more digging. It seems that SoapUI is able to import a Postman collection.

And further, SoapUI is able to export a Swagger description: Project > Export Swagger.

Personally I have not tried either of these options.

like image 189
SiKing Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09
