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SoapUI Web Service Request using Public Key Certificate

I have a WSDL for a Web Service and a Public Key Certificate in the shape of a .cer file.

I need to get SoapUI to encrypt the service request with the public key of the certificate.

How do I do this?

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lox Avatar asked Apr 22 '10 12:04


1 Answers

In SoapUI, go to the Preferences dialog, under the File menu. There's a tab/section for SSL. There you can specify the path to the .cer file. I don't have it here in front of me, and I've only done .pfx, but it should work the same. With .pfx, you need to enter the password - not sure if you do that for .cer or not. You can also convert the .cer to .pfx if that works better. But anyway, with a .pfx specified here, I was able to use https connections to our server (Cisco ACE gateway actually) which required "client certificate authentication". It was easy to do in SoapUI, proving that the infrastructure was set up right. Our app, written in Delphi2005, took another 3 weeks... But at least we knew what we were trying to do, and had a way to verify the result.

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Chris Thornton Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Chris Thornton